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Weather we can or whether we can’t

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So , I’m all set .. both scopes ready .. but .. a large clump of cloud has decided to plant itself over Bishops Stortford. Of course the weather app gleefully proclaims clear skies . I can’t even see Polaris . I’ve been waiting over a week for tonight .. and  now this !!! There may be a chance later of a clear slot . But let’s not hold our collective breath . 
sorry , but I just had to share my frustration .. I hope everyone else is having more luck ! 


Edited by Stu1smartcookie
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5 minutes ago, Orange Smartie said:

According to Clear Outside, you should be ok later - at 8pm for 1 hour, then 10pm onwards. Good luck!

I’ve got absolutely no patience lol .😂😂😂 . Wife and I decided to go for a walk . To be fair it’s a bit better out here now . Thanks Smartie . 

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Indeed it’s frustrating.......I’m afraid I’ve learned over many years not to trust forecasts about cloud cover. Weather forecasts are generally good regarding hot or cold spells, windy or calm, storms etc, but accurate cloud cover predictions are tough to find.

I’m one of 4 keyholders for one of my local clubs dark sites. When I’m struggling to decide a go/no go I do my best and say if I’m going but ask others to check the forecasts themselves and make their own decision. Of course right now we’re not going, but hoping that after 29th March the ‘rule of 6’ outdoors plus a relaxation of ‘stay home’ will allow us to go.


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I tend not to follow forecasts but use Sat24 and make my own.

Last night to be fair Clear Outside and the BBC were optimistic, and so it turned out. Early cloud cleared and I had a lovely hour or two on the Moon. Hoping for some sunshine today 👍

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Update alert !!! .. well indeed the skies did clear ( cold , wasnt it ?) But i had an absolute nightmare with the AZ-Gti. in EQ mode  according to last night , Mars is about 10 yards in front of me and set !!!! 😕

lol ... i then found out that the wedge i was using ( omegon ) was set wrong ..zzzzz . So i was in Alt Az mode on the Moon after all those shenanigans . I Still love the moon even when its almost full .  Here's to clear skies tonight again though ... and a more , pleasant experience , plus a chance to try out my "new" Zoom EP :)

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Clear Outside predicted clear skies last night here in Grimsby, and to my delight, the sky was perfectly clear for hours. Unfortunately due to my neighbour leaving their garden spotlights on all night, an inconsiderably placed streetlight and a VERY bright moon, I gave up after an hour. Forecast is the same tonight but I don't think I'll bother. Just bought an Az Gti and I need to fabricate an adapter over the weekend to make it fit my AZ4 tripod but, I suspect by the time that's done the clouds will be back with a vengeance. Patience is definitely a virtue with this hobby 🙂


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Feel your pain, I am hoping for clear skies tonight (its been green on ScopeNights all week) ... then this morning it flickered to yellow (partial cloudy), then red (full cloud cover) ... now its back to green (minimal). Guess it'll be a stick head out the back door and hope! Luckily the 90mm has almost zero cooldown time and I'm looking forward to my second night ever looking at the moon since it will finally be in a favorable part of the sky :D 

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So did get out tonight just observing moon for a while.

New moon filter was very good and gave nice contrast. Managed to take the attached photo through the 40mm EP with my smart phone. Never done that before so quite pleased with the result 😁.

Also tested the solar system alignment which tracked the moon perfectly, a good 4th outing.


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Nice image 👍🏻

The moon was the only thing to look at tonight with all the clouds and mist and bad seeing. Stars were scintillating like mad. 🤬

Personally though I find better contrast without a ND moon filter but then a bright moon has never bothered me. Do use a Baader Neodymium filter though but that doesn’t darken things but does give the moon a nice natural grey appearance. 


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I like just using  the Baader Neyodumium but some use a 58 Green or an 80A blue filter as a cheap way to help increase detail and contrast although the effects are subtle though

I want to try this filter. 🤔


Smartphone moon image using just the Neodymium filter and StellaMira 80mm f/10.APO. just replaced by a 125mm APO which should do better. 🙂


Edited by johninderby
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Good night when the heavy cloud cleared. I was using an ND polariser but still got blinded by the moon when observing with high mag. Found that my 12mm is the perfect balance between magnification and detail which is nice.

I didnt have a plan otherwise so wandered with an 18mm investigating anything interesting with 12mm. As expected the moon washed out the sky however I am fairly certain I spotted something in Gemini which looked like a very diffuse dim cluster of stars which my apps suggested might be IC444. Will have to confirm another night 😎


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Well , i had a much better night ... Skies were clear ALL evening ( i've marked the date and day in my diary to celebrate it every year  lol) . Despite the moon being full ( i really have no problem with that as there is ALWAYS something to see in the sky ) . I did swing to the beehive which ( admittedly faint due to moonlight ) is still one of my favs . I started with the EVO 120 and a zoom EP that i bought off a fellow SGL member 8-24 mm , i have to say i was a touch disappointed . The Moon was hidden behind the house at this time . The EVO is a lovely scope but its a bit of a cannon , so out came the little ST80 which sat excitedly on the AZ-Gti , awaiting instructions ... it slewed beautifully in Alt Az mode .. all in all a care free few hours and of course finishing on our near neighbour , the Moon . I was never a fan of the Moon .. but now love it .. always something to see , even when full . 

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