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Solar FD from 7th February 2021

Nigella Bryant

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Hi all, after several days of cloud and more cloud I finally had an impromptu solar session as the clouds parted for an hour. Managed to get a full disk image and tune and clock the hydrogen alpha telescope. Instrument used was a Lunt 60mm double stack and Zwo Asi 178mm. False colour added in PS CS2. Some interesting features and some nice arched proms. Looks like there is a small plage area coming around the eastern horizon, hopefully it will grow and we'll get back to some more activity.  





Edited by Nigella Bryant
Another pic added
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15 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

Very nice Nigella, I managed to get a quick look in H-a and WL yesterday but it looks like there was a lot more on show in H-a today than I saw yesterday.

Unfortunately no chance of seeing the sun today.


Thanks Ade, was supposed to be cloudy here all day but cleared up for an hour. 

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