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Single vs Double Stack Image


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It would be interesting to see a particular solar image done in both single vs double stack, i had a single stack Lunt and will soon buy another but, i would like to see what i would be missing comparing to a double stack.

If anyone has a comparison they can post i'd love to see it, thanks.

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I have a recent comparison but I was still getting used to the PGR Chameleon and the Sun wasn't that brilliant either so the images are a bit dull. This is with the PST.

Single stack

50634343661_9a495b6be4_h.jpgSun_115002_22_11_2020_f colour by Alexandra Hart, on Flickr

Double stack

50633594978_02a73d055e_h.jpg2020-11-22 full disc 1-6x Chameleon f colour by Alexandra Hart, on Flickr


Edited by Montana
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2 hours ago, Montana said:

I have a recent comparison but I was still getting used to the PGR Chameleon and the Sun wasn't that brilliant either so the images are a bit dull. This is with the PST.

Single stack

50634343661_9a495b6be4_h.jpgSun_115002_22_11_2020_f colour by Alexandra Hart, on Flickr

Double stack

50633594978_02a73d055e_h.jpg2020-11-22 full disc 1-6x Chameleon f colour by Alexandra Hart, on Flickr


Thanks for this comparison! maybe it’s my phone screen but the difference is big, I can’t see a prom at the 1 o’clock position in the first image which is glaring in the second.

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Proms should be brighter in the single stack. The double stack image looks flatter and more contrasty to me, the single looks more "spherical"/ball-like. I prefer the double, but the single is lovely and very detailed too.

Alexandra, how are you finding the new camera?

Edited by Luke
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There are some filters on ebay sold by A_p_o_l_l_o which produce a "pseudo-double stack" at the eyepiece(1.5 angstrom).    Apollo stripped ~9 angstroms off the usual mass produced blocking filter offered by lunt and coronado,  Which is a huge amount of bandwidth. 


the difference between a second etalon is the additional stripping of 12  more angstroms before the eyepiece (depending on if you are shipped a good etalon).   Apollo's filter is very close to getting a true double stack(thus the pseudo-prefexi).  He developed that filter with Andover optical corp and its made in the USA.



Long story short, if you want to be part of his experiment; find him on ebay.

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5 minutes ago, Kitsunegari said:

There are some filters on ebay sold by A_p_o_l_l_o which produce a "pseudo-double stack" at the eyepiece(1.5 angstrom).    Apollo stripped ~9 angstroms off the usual mass produced blocking filter offered by lunt and coronado,  Which is a huge amount of bandwidth. 


the difference between a second etalon is the additional stripping of 12  more angstroms before the eyepiece (depending on if you are shipped a good etalon).   Apollo's filter is very close to getting a true double stack(thus the pseudo-prefexi).  He developed that filter with Andover optical corp and its made in the USA.



Long story short, if you want to be part of his experiment; find him on ebay.


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Luke, the reason for not seeing the proms in the single stack and seeing them in the double stack is because the dynamic range changes. The eyeball in single stack can see the proms more easily but the dynamic range is large and therefore bad for the camera. In double stack the whole image is darker but more even and therefore the dynamic range is closer together so the camera can see the surface and the proms together. 

The Chameleon is excellent for the PST (better pixel size for resolution) but the Newton's rings are horrible! I'm getting there with the help of software for pattern suppression :) However the DMK41 still has better dynamic range even if the resolution is worse (and no NRs).


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