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Upgrade telescope

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Hi i have a travel scope 70 its a great little scope but I want to progress I dont have a huge budget bout £300 ive been looking and looking im thinking of a reflector with eq mount or a dob say 6"or8" im aware that size really is everything in this game. I also know that for that budget im not going to end up with a show stopper. Ive been looking at a visionking 150/1200 newtonian reflector. It came up seems very cheap i asume its got cheap parts im aware that u can upgrade bits i.e eyepieces etc. I was looking at a celestron 130eq prior to seeing this one i know that 150 must be better than 130 also i have a very good nikon dslr if i was to get a t ring and dabble in a little astrophotography as a little sideline prodect. Basically does anyone know weather or not this scope would be a good move its about £250 ish. Or any other advice on good scopes for this budget. Thanks 😊 

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If you can forget astrophotography for now then an 8 inch Dobsonian will give you great views for the money. It’ll also complement your travel scope very well. 

Is the telescope your looking at on an EQ or Dob mount? You’ll need an EQ mount with RA motor drive at least for astrophotography. 

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Hi ive looked at both its one of those things where theres so much out there ypu just need to make a decision i have looked at the 8"dobsoinan just seems at mo that they are hard to find in stock i know astrophotography is a huge other world am not looking to get all professional images just the occasional shots here and there. Really i want to explore more DSO.

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A lot of astronomy equipment is out of stock at the moment unfortunately. Have you tried looking at used telescopes? Not much can go wrong with a simple Dob so there’s nothing to be too worried about provided the mirrors are in good condition.

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First Light Optics have the excellent new 6 inch Bresser Messier Planetary in stock at £299.

It has the best commercial Dobsonian mount design I've seen thanks to the large altitude bearings that should be really smooth.  The tube rings will make rebalancing easy when you add cameras etc.

The mirror is made from low expansion glass so should need less cooldown time before observing.  It's long focal ratio of  f/8 will mean easy collimation, plus less complex and expensive eyepieces will work nicely.  It also accepts 2 inch eyepieces that will allow a wider field of view. The 25mm eyepiece it comes with is a Plossl rather than a Modified Achromat, so a cut above what is usually supplied with starter scopes. It now also comes with a full size solar filter.

This is a new size of Bresser Messier scope, that have become justly popular with Stargazer's Lounge members.

All scopes are in short supply at the moment because of Covid. However FLO have just received a big consignment of these so are in stock.

I'm on my mobile at the moment so can't do a link. Can some kind soul please add one?

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Thanks guys for the comments and advice real great stuff the good thing is i carnt purchase right now ive got the cash its a case of other things happening that might need the money and not upsetting the wife lol !!. So for now im gazing up using the travel scope 70 which is a great little thing i feel it opens up the mind get the enthusiasm going. Its not the best but ots a fantastic little scope (better than plane eyesite anyway). Ive recently moved from Essex to Lincolnshire loving the dark skys im a postman and some mornings when i get up im blown away by how clear the sky is and how much you can see. Anyway enough ranting on I just look forward to when the time comes checking out a little DSO in more detail. Thanks again !!!

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Under dark skies, a 70 mm scope is a very capable instrument. You might try to observe all the Messier objects with it.  Or you go for this :


I' m enjoying my 70/300 Infinity ("Blue Penguin") as much as my larger scopes. The main thing is being out under the stars.

Have fun!


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Hi so update ive ordered a skywatcher skyliner 200p dobsonian telescope from wex photos for less than 300 including postage but its not yet in stock i could leave it. Or buy the bresser messier 150 right now not sure what to do i know size is everything lol but is the bresser 150 good enough to satisfy my Astronomical needs. See ive got the old ichy feet either wait or buy the lesser right now... help i csrnt decide.

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Personally I'd wait for the 200p but that just me. When mine arrived I didn't say " I wish I bought a smaller scope" 🤣

A 9mm eyepiece is a medium high magnification and will give 133x in the 200p. Wide angle (degrees) and magnification (mm) are different. Low magnification for DSOs I think something 25 - 35mm and 60 - 82° FOV might be more use to you.


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Ive decided to go with the bresser 6" as its available now and i figure this size is king works all the way surley 10" better than 8" and so on so i think whatever you have its all about enjoying the skys above i remember seeing things theough my old 70mm Refractor surley a 6" reflector will blow me away then...

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