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I'm not an astro-photographer but I am a semi-retired professional photographer and a photography tutor. Celeron processors are low-end, low-cost, and are usually used in budget laptops. I certainly wouldn't recommend such a chip for intensive image processing; a 4 core 3 GHz processor would be preferable. I would also recommend a minimum of 8 Gb of RAM for high demand photographic tasks. That's not to say that that system above wouldn't work at all, but you would probably find it tedious and frustrating when performing demanding AP tasks (and maybe even prone to freezing).

Edited by Gasconman
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For stacking and processing you want to get a machine with the fastest processor with a highest number of cores and most amount of RAM that you can afford but would go no less than 8gb of RAM. I would also stay away from Atom or Celeron based machines as the Intel i3,i5 and i7 are much better processors or even the AMD Ryzen series all which have a faster bus to the ram.

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3 hours ago, nfotis said:

CPU and memory are obviously inadequate for the task. I have a laptop with a 4-core i5 processor and 16 GB RAM and an SSD, and even that may be not enough.








I can confirm the above spec is Ok but struggles on big projects (for that read mosaics or any CMOS camera project taking lots of 60 sec subs).

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Woefully underpowered for any serious processing.

Start thinking quad core, then add as many as you can afford, similarly with RAM, start at 16 GB and add as much more as funds will allow. Nothing below i7 / Ryzen 9 if you can possibly afford it.

Don't skimp on the monitor either, look for wide gamut that can be calibrated else your images will have wonky colour casts.

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A rough estimate gives me nearly a thousand EUR for a good enough desktop computer, with a low end graphics card. 

I am looking forward to the incoming AMD Ryzen 3 processors for getting an 8 core system and 32 GB ram in winter, if my laptop proves inadequate for the task.



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