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Mars 22nd Sept - lots of experimentation!


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So I thought I'd spend some time checking out exactly what exposure length works best with my set up. This follows on from some useful points expressed by others and most particularly that short exposures are not necessarily the best.

I experimented with 5ms, 8ms, 11ms, and 14ms, each with a 4 minute run, and to give each the best shot in AS3 I worked with  20% 10% 5% and 3% for each and chose the best. TBH the results didn't show massive differences, BUT I definitely conclude that 5ms was the worst (and last week I was using just 1.5ms!)

Finally, I did a couple of longer runs of 6 minutes with 8ms and 5ms. Unfortunately the latter suffered rather as Mars went behind a tree. Anyhow, it figures from the previous expt. that 5ms probably wouldn't have been optimal. Next time I'll run with 14ms I think and just do a longer run without faffing around so much. Ideally I would also wait til Mars is a bit higher - this was done at 00.13 hours so only 36 degrees elevation.

Anyhow, quite pleased with the result - 6min @8ms exposure, 250mm F4 with 5x powermate (at approx x4) Omegon 385 Toupsky, PIPP best 25%, AS2 best 10%, bit of PS.

Pleased to receive any comments as ever!


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Thanks all for the likes and positive comments.

Ideally I'd like to compare to the result with my ASI290M - but with this setup the camera is at the newt's prime focus (no secondary mirror) so the filter wheel would get in the way somewhat.

Maybe I could just capture in mono with IR filter and see how the detail compares? Not really a valid comparison I guess. But if it looks good I could resize it and use a Lum layer? Hmmmm....  I think it would take too long to refocus and I'd get too much rotation.

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