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IC1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula in a lot of space


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Been great to have a few nights of clear sky - I captured this last Wednesday/Thursday last week. I have only Just getting to grips with narrow band imaging/processing and I am sticking with tried and tested SHO Hubble palette for now, but very interested in the percentage combinations like the wide field recently posted by @Adreneline - Cave, Bubble and M52 - to name but a few. I'm assuming the colour palette combinations are implemented using PixelMath functions in PI - I will do some reading and jump into the processing threads to find out more I think.
But for now here's my latest SHO narrowband - I left in a hint of green on the inner lighter Ha nebulosity as I like the transition into the Blue of OIII signal

Capture Details
90mins each for Ha, OIII, SII , Optilong filters in 120s subs - 4.5hrs total
Captured using RPi4 /INDI/EKOS
Processed, APP,PI,PS CC

Pixel scale: 6.067 arcsec/pixel





Edited by bdlbug
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Very dramatic image and I like the way you have achieved a sense of depth to the nebula.

5 minutes ago, bdlbug said:

'm assuming the colour palette combinations are implemented using PixelMath functions in PI

You made reference to my recent image and using PixelMath in PI. These are the formulae I used to create the image.




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12 minutes ago, DougM43 said:

What a lovely image.

Thanks @DougM43 appreciate time taken to comment.


8 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

You made reference to my recent image and using PixelMath in PI. These are the formulae I used to create the image.

thanks for posting the equation Adrian - I will have a play later in the week with PI on my data.

9 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

Very dramatic image and I like the way you have achieved a sense of depth to the nebula.

I got to this depth effect purely by accident truth be told by using  tools and actions in PS plus the enhance dark nebula script in PI and then combining that output in layers with PS and selective sharpening and whole bunch more including using Starnet to remove the pink stars and then in PS bring in a noise reduced and sharpened Ha star field



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