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Anyone have clear skies.............


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Recently it seems clear during the daylight hours but as soon as it gets dark it clouds over.

The list of things to do gets longer and longer but I never seem to tick any of them off.

The last few months must have been the worst ever. Trying to do LRGB or Ha , OIII , SII is just about impossible as you cannot get enough imaging time to complete them. The only solution is one shot colour CCD's.


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Take heart guys, there's a clear patch heading your way tonight, wont last long, but after the rain the skies should be fairly crisp.

You are right though John, that's exactly the reasoning behind my buying a OSC and F4 scope.


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Trying to do LRGB or Ha , OIII , SII is just about impossible as you cannot get enough imaging time to complete them. The only solution is one shot colour CCD's.


I made that decision quite a while back now John. Having gone from OSC to LRGB and back to OSC again.

I know that LRGB is a more scientific approach, but given our weather in UK, its just too frustrating for me.

Its case of 'a whole the cloud, then get out and grab a few OSC subs'

The other alternative is mono imaging of course.


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The saying "aperture is king" is wrong.

We need longer scopes. Much longer, to poke through those silly white puffy things!! :)

More seriously, I'm new to this wonderful astronomy game. In the UK, are we just going through a cloudy patch, or are the last few months typical?

It's still worth the wait for me, what an amazing sight when you eventually get to see something! First sight of Saturn was awesome, I feel like I've been living under a cloud all these years.

Move on, clouds!!! :)

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Thats pretty much why I am enjoying Ha/OIII.

I only need to shoot 2 colours, and can make what I think are quite nice images :)

Yep , I have moved to this as well. I do Ha and OIII and synthesise a green channel and combine. Does a pretty good job at producing a "nice" image. I have a one shot colour camera on order but it will be a while before its delivered.

I think I will have have to rationalise my kit and sell "stuff" I do not need.


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Last night was pretty bad rain and gusts of wind....

You aint seen nothing yet :shock: think i'll be heading for the coast tonight if the forecast is right .. the ideal wind direction for an awesome display round Mumbles head... not the highest winds I have been in down there though as they ain't forecast to hit triple figures...


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