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A night of observing with the 12" Dob

Mark at Beaufort

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I purchased some Baader Classic Orthos (6mm and 10mm) some months ago but have not really used them in the 12" Dob.

A separate thread yesterday mentioned the GRS visible at a reasonable time so I felt this was a good test of the EPs.

Not the best sky for Planetary observing but the GRS was easily visible - best mag was the 10mm Ortho (152x). I also used the bottom part of the Baader Classic barlow - 1.3x which gave me 198x.

I then switch over to Saturn and picked up 4 Moons - unfortunately Enceladus was too close to Saturn and I could not make it out.

I wanted to observe Mars which I have not done this season. So whilst waiting for it to rise above my roof I set about viewing some DSOs.

First up was M51 which I used my 13mm Ethos and 9mm Myriad. Then M101 which I used my 20mm Myriad.

Decided to observe something different and started with NGC 6781 (Snowglobe PN). Used various EPs + Astronomik O-III also the TeleVue Type 2 Nebustar. Then down to the GC NGC 6760 and then another PN - NGC 6751 (Glowing Eye).

A move over to M11, M16 and M17 (the latter being a great view in the 13mm Ethos using the TeleVue Nebustar.

Another PN - NGC 6818 (Little Gem) and then the hunt for NGC 6822 (Barnard's Galaxy). Not easy but using the 20mm Myriad and moving the scope back and forth over the area I picked up some very faint glow.

Took in M72 and NGC 7009 (Saturn Neb) before observing the Helix Neb - NGC 7293. I thought I would experiment with different filters using the ES 24 68 degree EP. Used Astronomik O-III, TeleVue Nebustar and Lumicon UHC. Which was best? - a tie between the Astronomik and TeleVue with the contrast using the Lumicon only slightly behind.

Back to Planets - viewed Neptune using 6mm Ethos and 10mm Baader + Baader 2.25x barlow - could not see Triton.

Finally Mars - it was wobbling - because it was still just above the roof. However, the polar cap easily visible plus some planetary marking (although I will need to check what they were)

So not a bad observing night. Look forward to having another go at Mars.


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Nice report Mark, An enjoyable read.

I was also using the 12" dob, I managed Jupiter & Saturn and a number of deep sky objects last night which included the Cats eye neb, A real favorite.  Unfortuanletly I had to pack up before Mars was above the houses. 😞

The GRS on Jupiter stood out very well at x167 for me.

How was Neptune looking, This is the last planet to see for me and it keeps evading me 🙂

Again, Great report and nice to see some of us getting back out under a clear sky.


Edited by Barry-W-Fenner
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Very nice session by the sound of it Mark :thumbright:

I was using my 12 inch dob as well last night. The views of Saturn and Jupiter were OK but a bit wobbly so I turned to planetary nebulae and globular clusters instead.

Unfortunately I was clouded out before Mars was in a decent observable position.

I'm still hoping for glimpses of Phobos and Deimos this opposition. 

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Nice report Mark and there's a few things there that I will make a note of myself that I haven't seen.

I saw the GRS too early on but switched to globulars and some doubles (had a new XW 5 to try). Also squeezed in planetary and finished up with Mars as it was rising but quite wobbly. Looking forward to the month ahead with Mars. Also caught Andromeda rising above the tree before packing up, so the autumn changes are approaching.

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