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Az-eq6 power options?

Martin Meredith

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I've been using a car starter battery since 2014 to power my Skywatcher Az-eq6 GT mount but it is starting to drain about 90 minutes into each session, so its time to look for a replacement. Things have moved on since 2014 and I'm wondering what others are using to power this (or similar) mounts?

For instance, I have a LiZone 60000maH power bank that I use for laptop charging. Is this useable, or going to be sufficiently beefy for this mount?

I have absolutely no idea about power supplies so please treat me as an utter beginner here!


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Your LiZone battery is likely not going to work.

These batteries have circuitry that detects low current (i.e. device you are charging is charged and no longer drawing current from the charger), and therefore switch their output off.

I learnt this on a star adventurer - perfect for about 30 seconds then if goes off!

My advice, if you need to use a battery and you're not sure about electronics / voltage / current / power etc, is look for a Powertank (various brands, namely Skywatcher and Celestron).

This is the simplet way to achieve what you need.

Essentially all they are is a lead acid battery, probably a 7Ah (Ah means capacity, so a 7Ah battery theoretically can deliver 1A for 7 hours, or 7A for 1 hour etc.)

The AZ-EQ6 probably needs a 5A power supply for when it starts to slew, especially both axis, but for normal tracking speeds, the current is a lot less, maybe half an A (I haven't measured this, I might do one day).

So, a Powertank is likely your best bet as there's little you need to understand, apart from use it, then charge it!


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Thanks everyone for your replies.

I do set up each session but I also have mains power nearby and most of my usage nowadays is just outside the house, so mains power would work. I bought a regulated power supply from Maplin some time ago for this purpose but have never used it -- now is the time to get this set up. But I'd also like to have a portable supply for the odd times when I visit dark sites. The Celestron PowerTank seems like a great option -- certainly much lighter than my current car starter battery (which admittedly has served me very well for 6 years of very regular use and also serves to inflate footballs...). Great setup Magnus by the way! Its about time I used the saddle mount on my az-eq6....

Jon, yes, I read your other thread about low current issues with your Star Adventurer (I also have that mount and the batteries last ages so no issues so far).



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Like you I set up my AZ-EQ6 each time close to my house and do have mains power available.   I use a Skywatcher Powertank 17Ah for short runs to power the mount, dew heaters, cooled camera, focuser and a Raspberry Pi.  With everything full on it for it will last for for about 2 hours. If I want to do a longer run then I use a mains power supply. I got one that provides 12V at 30 amps and is waterproof. I put this in its own plastic box as a double protection against dew as you can never be too careful when mains is around outside.

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