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NGC253 - Sculptor Galaxy captured with C11"


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Just a smooth processing to keep the galaxy real in the field.

Not able to take long subs due to the light pollution site, the limit exp time was 120s. A RGB challenge in a bortle 9 location.

L 80x120s

RGB 20x120s

C11" HD reduced with a Astrophysics CCDT67 (f/7.3) + ASI1600mm-c

Mount Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT

Processing in PixInsight.



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22 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

Very nice. Bortle 9! Processing must have been quite difficult. 

Yeah, bortle 9 makes the work become harder.
The background gradient was faint due to limited exposure times (120s max.)
Thanks very much for the reply.

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