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Peopeller Nebula Hubble Palette


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I was able to capture a few hours of SII to add to my HOO data set for this target.    Seeing was very good throughout this shoot--not quite as good for the SII, but still better than average for my location. 

TOA 130 with .7x reducer and ASI 1600 with 3nm Astrodon filters

Ha: 69 300 sec

OIII: 84 300 sec

SII 38 300 sec


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Something was just bothering me.  As uaul it was the palette.  Here is a more traditional one that I think is more realistic--less pushed.  Not as garish



Edited by Rodd
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I understand SGL has run its course for me  thank you to all that have helped me over the years-you know who you are.  I believe the above image (second one more than the first) shows I took what you tried to impart to me to heart.  I could not have done any of it without you.  But now SGL has become a source of stress for me.   There is great anticipation to post and see what others think, followed by the feeling of let down and frustration.  I no longer see much reason to post images..good/bad, not much difference in the comments and likes (lately ther have been very few)--especially from the honor gaurd (formerly the standard bearers...for those of you who might remember that term.  Again, you know who you are).  But, its OK.   I leave the temple now fully capable of sound judgement--though its nice to get affirmation.  After all, Messing makes over $100,000,000.00 a year and they still give him a new car if he wins a championship.  

SGL was always about comments--not image storage.  It is not a good library platform.  So now I am resigned to tender my growing collection at Astrobin, for any who may wish to contact me, or have a look. 

I wish everyone clear skies, health, and peace.



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9 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Two excellent versions. I think the second has it, looks more tranquil.

Ha, forgot to hit the Submit Reply tab earlier.

No worries Mark....You have been very supportive.  I appreciate it.  

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Yes, that second one is excellent Rodd! I noticed that the images of mine that get most comments on SGL are often those that people feel need some adjustments. If there are no comments, and only some likes, I just assume that there is nothing to comment on. Like my recent post of LDN1228 that Vlaiv suggested was too red and should really have been grey. Not everyone agreed about the colours of dark nebulosity and soon there were three pages of discussions. In your case the time difference may also play in, if you post images when Europeans are not home in front of the computer. I, for example, had not seen your post until now.

Astrobin is excellent but as you have noticed one soon runs out of discussion space there since the text each time is moved to the right. So, maybe if you want to post something that really merits a long discussion you should still do it also on SGL.

Edited by gorann
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If you really feel that way, maybe just post a link to astrobin image and don't reply get worried about comments or the lack of.

There are plenty here who love to see great images like yours and aspire to get as good, even though they don't say anything.

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Filling in after Mark, actually Rodd your image has right now 80 views here. Maybe you should be happy that you do not have 80 comments - then you would have not time for processing😉

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6 minutes ago, gorann said:

Yes, that second one is excellent Rodd! I noticed that the images of mine that get most comments on SGL are often those that people feel need some adjustments. If there are no comments, and only some likes, I just assume that there is nothing to comment on. Like my recent post of LDN1228 that Vlaiv suggested was too red and should really have been grey. Not everyone agreed about the colours of dark nebulosity and soon there were three pages of discussions. In your case the time difference may also play in, if you post images when Europeans are not home in front of the computer. I, for example, had not seen your post until now.

Astrobin is excellent but as you have noticed one soon runs out of discussion space there since the text each time is moved to the right. So, maybe if you want to post something that really merits a long discussion you should still do it also on SGL.

What you say is true--but good images from good imagers are invariably "liked" copiusly--the "affirmation" of which I speak.  But I do not want to turn this into a like referendum.  As far as Astrobin goes--yes, there are issues with likes and IOTD and TP--all of that.  I never really considered Astrobin a place for real cconversation--comments yes, but not forum type discussions.  i always used SGL for that.  But, Astrobin has an extremely valuable quality for me--its a great library of my images--all in one place.  Excpt forr the crash--which I hope doesn't happen again--Astrobin is a platfrom that I value even if no one ever looked or liked.  SGL is another matter--without teh people, whats the point?

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2 minutes ago, gorann said:

Filling in after Mark, actually Rodd your image has right now 80 views here. Maybe you should be happy that you do not have 80 comments - then you would have not time for processing😉

Well, therein lies another point.  This applieas to Astrobin as well (eveen more so).  80 people have looked and 3 have liked.  A good image? to me, if 1,000 people look at it, no onecomments and 5 like it--why post?  On astrobin its even worse.  I supposedly have 250 followers or something--yet only 80 people have seen?  I know for everyone I follow TI get email confirmation of their posting.   Things have gotten better at Astrobin for me.  But I just do not understand how an image will go from 80 looks and 75 likes (a great ratio) o 200 looks and 76 likes.   Popularity.  Some people on AB get hundreds of likes for star fields.  Nothing against starfields, but they aren't exactly Olly starfields or really amazing images (forget the names of the folks--you know teh ones).

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Astrobin and SGL complemet each other in my view. Like you I also use Astrobin as an album to see what I have done. Cannot easily do that on my harddrive. But it has a limited capacity for discussing. Maybe in the future you should post everything on Astrobin, and then turn to SGL if you have something specific to discuss. But on the other hand it is not a big effort to also post your images on SGL - takes 2 minutes. You may then also alert specific people by using the @ function. I live in Sweden and have never attended a UK star party and I get the feeling that many people on SGL knows each other quite well and are good friends and show this by always commenting on their friends images. We are not in that group (yet?) but that is how it is and it does not annoy me.

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15 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

If you really feel that way, maybe just post a link to astrobin image and don't reply get worried about comments or the lack of.

There are plenty here who love to see great images like yours and aspire to get as good, even though they don't say anything.

I do not have a problem helping others.  But its a two way street.  I would much prefer if no-one looked.  If I look at an image--not a lot lately becuase the milk is souring for me--but when I do, I either like it if it is really good, and possibly make a comment.  Or, I like offering CC.  rarely do I look at an image and dont like or comment--sometimes, but that is when the image already has a lot of comments and it is not that important for me to chip in.

I will miss the discussions about "issues" related to imaging. 

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7 minutes ago, gorann said:

Astrobin and SGL complemet each other in my view. Like you I also use Astrobin as an album to see what I have done. Cannot easily do that on my harddrive. But it has a limited capacity for discussing. Maybe in the future you should post everything on Astrobin, and then turn to SGL if you have something specific to discuss. But on the other hand it is not a big effort to also post your images on SGL - takes 2 minutes. You may then also alert specific people by using the @ function. I live in Sweden and have never attended a UK star party and I get the feeling that many people on SGL knows each other quite well and are good friends and show this by always commenting on their friends images. We are not in that group (yet?) but that is how it is and it does not annoy me.

Thats how I do it.  AB for posting and library--SGL for discussion and help and, well, you know.  the problem is the repsonse of SGL is tepid.  i will write a huge paragraph of explanation with some unusal aspect--and no one comments and few like.  As I said--it is stressful for me.  Maybe its my fault at not being able to handle my expectations and letting it bother me.  Perhaps when I have grown and matured I will once again begin posting.  I take AP very seriously.  Posting an image on SGL is a big deal for me.  Call it a weakness.  

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Here I just turned on the BBQ for Saturday night dinner - so there is a time difference. You said "Perhaps when I have grown and matured I will once again begin posting". So it struck me that I have no idea of your age Rodd. I am 61 so a bit over-matured but I try not to think about it.

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Wanting validation on social media is very common, especially on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  I'm a psychology student and a content creator on Twitch & Twitter. I've done a lot of research into the issues you're talking about here.

Multiple studies have shown that low-self esteem, depression and anxiety often follow when people don't get the validation they seek on social media. So I don't blame you for stepping back, I actaully applaud you.

Though, you have to remember that the majority of people are not as invested as you(and a lot of others) in 1. The hobby and 2. Social media. 

Most of the people on SGL and any other platform are just casually lurking around and clicking on posts that look interesting unless they have a specific question/discussion to focus on. So even if they see a topic/image that they actually like, very few people will actually engage by hitting the like/follow/love button.  


It doesnt reflect your work at all. From what I see your images are great! But you have to remember that the majority of people on any social media platform will not engage in content unless there's a specific narrative.  Try to formulate your posts differently. "Would" "Should" "Could" instead of only "What" "When" and "Where". That will definitely increase engagement on your posts! 


Edit: There's a lot of psychological tricks the top content creators use to get engagements on their posts. The most commonly known one is "Click baiting"  for example "Propeller nebula - You won't BELIEVE the result!" Followed by an explanation of "What, when, where" and then engage your audience by asking "Should, could, would".

Obviously baiting people to engage, but it works. Engage your audience differently and they will engage you.


Oh.  And typos in the title will make people go  "Bleeeeh

Edited by Pryce
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Another point I forgot to make is your audience. 

Here on SGL you have people that look up at the skies, browse the web for photots and use apps like stellarium for hours on end. These people look at astrophotos day out and day in!  A lot of people take their own photos as well! 

In comparison, if a instagram model only shared content in the "Instagram models internal forum" she wouldnt get any post engagement at all, because everyone else is also a instagram model. 


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23 minutes ago, Pryce said:

Wanting validation on social media is very common, especially on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  I'm a psychology student and a content creator on Twitch & Twitter. I've done a lot of research into the issues you're talking about here.

Multiple studies have shown that low-self esteem, depression and anxiety often follow when people don't get the validation they seek on social media. So I don't blame you for stepping back, I actaully applaud you.

Though, you have to remember that the majority of people are not as invested as you(and a lot of others) in 1. The hobby and 2. Social media. 

Most of the people on SGL and any other platform are just casually lurking around and clicking on posts that look interesting unless they have a specific question/discussion to focus on. So even if they see a topic/image that they actually like, very few people will actually engage by hitting the like/follow/love button.  


It doesnt reflect your work at all. From what I see your images are great! But you have to remember that the majority of people on any social media platform will not engage in content unless there's a specific narrative.  Try to formulate your posts differently. "Would" "Should" "Could" instead of only "What" "When" and "Where". That will definitely increase engagement on your posts! 


Edit: There's a lot of psychological tricks the top content creators use to get engagements on their posts. The most commonly known one is "Click baiting"  for example "Propeller nebula - You won't BELIEVE the result!" Followed by an explanation of "What, when, where" and then engage your audience by asking "Should, could, would".

Obviously baiting people to engage, but it works. Engage your audience differently and they will engage you.


Oh.  And typos in the title will make people go  "Bleeeeh

Fab post thanks for this. I did notice on FB, where recently I’ve been on more than I want to, some (IMO) mediocre images gets 500+ likes and others that are simply better all round but less ‘in your face’ get <100 likes. 



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@Rodd I really don’t think you should leave. I enjoy your posts even if occasionally I don’t agree with what you say.

This is the summer and astronomy slows a bit. Come Autumn it will be buzzing again and I hope you continue to post. Astrobin just isn’t the same as SGL.

Your image is a really good one, colour and fine detail are exceptional, but the propeller Neb, for me, isn’t just that striking.  

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I have had some of the same thoughts, but I think there is something to be said for the story about the image. For example, on one of my Abell cluster images I took the time to write out a lot about the various galaxies and it got a ton of comments. On others I have merely dumped in the image and the integration time and they just receive some likes. Latest we have seen Gorann explore the fun of a RASA8 and we have all been very active with that. Other images get comments if you ask for opinions or help with something related to the processing. I also use SGL as an inspiration for targets I want to do myself.

Astrobin on the other hand is a pile of peacock rubbish I only use for image storage and nice clean calculation of integration time. I can't stand the "hey I processed Hubble and Liverpool data and to everyone's surprised this clean, beautiful data gave me a glorious image" that receives 8 bazillion likes.

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2 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Fab post thanks for this. I did notice on FB, where recently I’ve been on more than I want to, some (IMO) mediocre images gets 500+ likes and others that are simply better all round but less ‘in your face’ get <100 likes. 



Thank you! And yeah, I believe a lot of people have taken to social media for validation now in these virus infested days.  Personally I had to uninstall Facebook and Twitter(and Tinder xD) from my phone as I noticed that it affects my mental state.

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4 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

some (IMO) mediocre images gets 500+ likes and others that are simply better all round but less ‘in your face’ get <100 likes. 

Usually depends on how many pseudo friends and followers you have and how many actually see your posts.

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1 hour ago, Pryce said:

Multiple studies have shown that low-self esteem, depression and anxiety often follow when people don't get the validation they seek on social media. So I don't blame you for stepping back, I actaully applaud you.

Thaks Pryce.  Your post was very enjoyable.  It will be with me for a time--as I digest it

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1 hour ago, tooth_dr said:

@Rodd I really don’t think you should leave. I enjoy your posts even if occasionally I don’t agree with what you say.

This is the summer and astronomy slows a bit. Come Autumn it will be buzzing again and I hope you continue to post. Astrobin just isn’t the same as SGL.

Your image is a really good one, colour and fine detail are exceptional, but the propeller Neb, for me, isn’t just that striking.  

Thanks Doc.

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1 hour ago, Datalord said:

Astrobin on the other hand is a pile of peacock rubbish I only use for image storage and nice clean calculation of integration time. I can't stand the "hey I processed Hubble and Liverpool data and to everyone's surprised this clean, beautiful data gave me a glorious image" that receives 8 bazillion likes.

Yes--when one of those images gets a top pick or image of the day it drives me crazy.  For a bit of fun I posted an image of M51 taken with a 5" scope but cropped and framed it to be just like the Liverpool Telescope data that is commonly processed.  I called the image "Not the Liverpool Telescope".  This after a long and argumentative thread on the forum.



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