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What No Sun?

David Smith

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No Sun here this morning so spent my time wisely putting this together...


Left-to-right, top-to-bottom - Skywatcher 2" diagonal with extension tube and 35nm H alpha filter attached, Quark Combo Chromosphere, Lacerta Herschel Wedge with 2" nose piece, 2" UV/IR cut and continuum filter attached, Lunt B1200 Ca-K Module, ZWO ASI178MM, USB cable,ES 2x focal extender, ES 3x focal extender, Revelation 2x barlow, Revelation 2.5x barlow, Skywatcher Hyperflex 7-21 zoom eyepiece.

Purchased the case a few weeks back but waited to fit it out until I had the Quark and a few other bits that were on order. Still a little bit of space in case I find another item I "need" :biggrin: With my solar case I have a "grab-one-case and everything is in it" type of setup. I have to grab my objective masks, Quark power pack and laptop separately obviously (oh yeah and the mount and scope) but everything else is in here, ready to go (filters attached, etc). Should reduce the number of trips back into the house any way!

I've got a second case which will likely become my primary observing case with my ES eyepieces, filters and the like in and my old Revelation eyepiece kit case will become my night-time imaging case. This will have the ASI120mc-s, QHY5-II, cables and a few other bits in. I might buy a bigger case in the end so I can put the AZ GTi in the case too.

Also did an essential upgrade to my solar scope, fitting my trusty Evostar 120 with a snazzy green dovetail bar 😍


Looks the part now with the upgraded focuser and pimped out with the green dovetail.


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9 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Two days solar observing in a row here David. Of course there is a downside. The whole of Scotland has a severe weather warning until Wednesday.  Still at least you managed to get a job well done.



Makes a change from the usual Abysmal Weather Warnings...🙄😂

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43 minutes ago, David Smith said:

No Sun here this morning so spent my time wisely putting this together...


Left-to-right, top-to-bottom - Skywatcher 2" diagonal with extension tube and 35nm H alpha filter attached, Quark Combo Chromosphere, Lacerta Herschel Wedge with 2" nose piece, 2" UV/IR cut and continuum filter attached, Lunt B1200 Ca-K Module, ZWO ASI178MM, USB cable,ES 2x focal extender, ES 3x focal extender, Revelation 2x barlow, Revelation 2.5x barlow, Skywatcher Hyperflex 7-21 zoom eyepiece.

Purchased the case a few weeks back but waited to fit it out until I had the Quark and a few other bits that were on order. Still a little bit of space in case I find another item I "need" :biggrin: With my solar case I have a "grab-one-case and everything is in it" type of setup. I have to grab my objective masks, Quark power pack and laptop separately obviously (oh yeah and the mount and scope) but everything else is in here, ready to go (filters attached, etc). Should reduce the number of trips back into the house any way!

I've got a second case which will likely become my primary observing case with my ES eyepieces, filters and the like in and my old Revelation eyepiece kit case will become my night-time imaging case. This will have the ASI120mc-s, QHY5-II, cables and a few other bits in. I might buy a bigger case in the end so I can put the AZ GTi in the case too.

Also did an essential upgrade to my solar scope, fitting my trusty Evostar 120 with a snazzy green dovetail bar 😍


Looks the part now with the upgraded focuser and pimped out with the green dovetail.


I purchased one of these cases from fleabay......I keep my iOptron SkyGuider Pro/ZWO cameras and a few other bits and bobs in it :)  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/X-LARGE-Aluminium-Flight-Case-Tool-Box-DJ-Camera-Foam-Block-680x300x190mm/363027281515?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

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