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C/2020 F3 Comet Neowise - I know, yet another

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So many people have imaged the Comet Neowise, that I really couldn't resist a bash myself, I took along my photographic assistants my wife Deborah and my son Dan.

The comet was too low to be imaged from my home, so in the afternoon , I found a clear view facing NNW-NNE just a mile or so up the road to me.

At 23:15 we headed with a little excitement, whilst setting up I discovered that my Zeiss lens would not allow me to manually focus, so I bunged on to my Sony A7RIII a new unused Samyang 135mm F2, mounted on my hypertuned Star Adventurer unguided, wow the images at just a few seconds showed I was on the money, so I finally settled on 30secs ISO400 @F2.

I would love to have another go this week, but time is running out as it won't return for another 6800 years. I loved how the colour came through as well as the star colour. I'm really quite pleased with my first image of a comet.

Dan not to be done said, yeah Dad with all that fancy equipment, look what I can do with his iPhone 11Pro+ @ 10secs handheld?

The second image was my sons grab of my wife and I, taken with his iPhone 11pro+, handheld 10s

C2020 F3 Neowise 1200.jpg

Deborah & I with Neowise.jpeg

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1 minute ago, Pete Presland said:

Very nice, the image of you and wife is lovely, it will be very special to look at in the future.

Thanks Pete, indeed it is, especially with my wife having bad days with the C, this was a good day 😎

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4 hours ago, Jkulin said:

Dan not to be done said, yeah Dad with all that fancy equipment, look what I can do with his iPhone 11Pro+ @ 10secs handheld

Excellent image John, I mean yours not Dan's, though I love that one with you and your wife looking at it. Both my daughters have sent me hand held phone images of the comet with very similar comments, especially given that I can't even see the comet from my 'expensive observatory'...... 🙄

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Thank-you all for those wonderful comments, really touched me.

Had another play this evening where for once the light pollution enhanced the image, here's a taster until I can process it properly: -


ISO800 10s F2 Samyang 135mm, this is just a screen grab, but I am very pleased with this as well.

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4 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

There is definitely a green tinge to the coma, carbon based molecules on all my image's.

Yep, it has come out in all my images a truly beautiful comet, I looked on my phone and I managed to grab another cracker, I just wish I had set up with my wider lens rather than just capture on my iPhone: -


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