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First astro DSLR - can I get away with £100 for a Canon 450D?

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Hi folks,

I'd love to one day invest in proper astro CCDs but budgets are tight and I'm still very amateur, so I was thinking of getting a cheap second hand DSLR. I can see through sites like MBP I can get a decent used Canon 450D for about £100, then the next step up is something like a 600D for £200. For a beginner is the doubling in price worth it? Am I ignoring other cameras in the same budget?

Requirements are a DSLR that I can connect to BackyardEOS and INDI (I've been tinkering with Astroberry) over USB I'd assume. Current OTA is a Celestron 127 MAK, but a new OTA is on the cards maybe towards the end of the year. I don't really need a daytime DSLR, that's more of a bonus and would likely try to astro-mod it further down the line anyway.

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Personally I have 2 600D's, one modded one not, so would recommend you get one, especially as mbp.com has a few for £160, some with lower shuter counts....

I also have a modded 1100D plus other Canons, but I will always go back to the 600D 

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I use a 450D and it works well but I control it through my laptop and APT. If you are going to just control the camera manually the 600D would be preferable as it has a flip out screen that can be adjusted to view at different angles, which is kinder on your neck, back, legs etc.

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I don't have a flip out screen but the 1100d I use DSLR controller to focus and control the camera. A lot cheaper at £5 or so. However 450d is too old you could check which earlier models are as the 550d does video crop mode good for with your 127mm on planets Moon


Edited by happy-kat
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  • 2 months later...

Quick update in case anyone finds this thread. I ended up buying the Canon 600D via MBP.

Really good decision, I've been really chuffed with the images it's been snapping, works fine with INDI and Backyard EOS (as you'd hope) and having the pop out screen is indeed a lifesaver.

One warning on second hand, though I went for one with a relatively low shutter count the battery it came with was pretty knackered and wouldn't last an hour. Not expensive to replace though, I got a third party pair of batteries and charger for ~£15 that have a longer life that the official Canon batteries and so far have lasted a few nights of long exposures.

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