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StarTools Please Help

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Hi Folks,

So I'm on my first foray into serious imaging, a few nights ago I imaged the Orion Nebula, not amazing results but not bad.

I took darks and then stacked them, making no changes. I then imported the stacked image into StarTools. I have followed multiple tutorials but just cant seem to get past this:

Any help would be much appreciated or if anyone could point me towards an idiots guide for StarTools that would be appreciated. I do not have a photographic background and all of this is a little, no a lot confusing.

Thanks for your help



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try to do a autodev first and check the edges for stacking issues then crop as needed. Then go back and do a maual dev and run wipe save and maybe run wipe again.

Not sure what gear you have but I just use DeepSkyStacker with the calibration frames and then import the final images into startools.

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19 minutes ago, spillage said:

try to do a autodev first and check the edges for stacking issues then crop as needed. Then go back and do a maual dev and run wipe save and maybe run wipe again.

Not sure what gear you have but I just use DeepSkyStacker with the calibration frames and then import the final images into startools

Thanks for your reply, 

Tried that but unfortunately no joy. I'm going to start again, perhaps my images were not good enough. 

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Light and dark frames alone won't hack it I'm afraid. Anyway...

I'm with @spillage on the first AutoDev and the a crop to remove the stacking defects.

But I'd then call wipe followed by a second AutoDev. It's the latter where you can really remove the rubbish, especially the ignore fine detail and gamma adjustments. 

Post a -link to- your image if you like, then we maybe able to offer specific help with this particular dataset.


Edited by alacant
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Thanks for all your help. I actually closed the program. I have to admit that this was my third attempt at editing the data and after several hours I admitted defeat. 

Ill try again tomorrow and then get back to you. Sorry if this is a silly question but how do I post a link? 

Thanks again 


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We would happily process your image using startools and can share the log file details so you can see and repeat what was done, but the DSS auto saved FITS file world be great please, not the individual files unless you only have a few.

DSS after registering check the scores, the highest score is usually your best FWHM number and set that file by right click set as reference frame.

Startools the beta bleeding edge 1.6x is pretty stable and worth using.

When you use wipe the image will on keep revert to the unstretched mono image, this is expected now you can use autodevelop or develop to choice.

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autodev - crop - bin - wipe - autodev - hdr reveal core - decon - colour - entropy Ha - denoise





Issues: walking coloured pixels. 

  • lose the dark frames
  • take light, bias and flat frames.
  • dither between each light frame.
  • stack using a clip algorithm

I then made it look a bit better (with the discalaimer that I'm hopeless with colour!)




Edited by alacant
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A dust bunny is a dust fleck that is somewhere in the imaging frame.

When you are ready to stack set the bias frames to median and the lights to kappa clipping and the output to autosave as FITS files, but firstly when in DSS on the front screen lower left in DSS settings set no white balance.

Edited by happy-kat
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17 minutes ago, alacant said:



autodev - crop - bin - wipe - autodev - hdr reveal core - decon - colour - entropy Ha - denoise





Issues: walking coloured pixels. 

  • lose the dark frames
  • take light, bias and flat frames.
  • dither between each light frame.
  • stack using a clip algorithm

I then made it look a bit better (with the discalaimer that I'm hopeless with colour!)




Wow! 🎉 

Thanks so so much for taking the time to do this. If I could, I'd buy you a pint! 

I'll attempt another go as soon as I get another clear night. 

Thanks again 


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a quick process in Startools , using heal to rid walking noise , Dither is the way to head for eradicating walking noise , i image using APT and has a dither setting ,basically the image moves a few pixels between subs , so basically more Data the more the merrier once you have 4 hrs you will see a big difference , take at least 25 bias frames you only need to do this once and keep in a folder , Good flat frames again at least 25 frames you need these every time you image ,and if you don't dither then at least 25 frames again you only need to do this once .

Edit this.jpg

Edited by bottletopburly
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56 minutes ago, bottletopburly said:

a quick process in Startools , using heal to rid walking noise , Dither is the way to head for eradicating walking noise , i image using APT and has a dither setting ,basically the image moves a few pixels between subs , so basically more Data the more the merrier once you have 4 hrs you will see a big difference , take at least 25 bias frames you only need to do this once and keep in a folder , Good flat frames again at least 25 frames you need these every time you image ,and if you don't dither then at least 25 frames again you only need to do this once .

Edit this.jpg

Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for taking the time to do the and for the information. I'm inspired and will read up on dithering and bias frames. 

Really appreciate it 

Thanks again 


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On 18/04/2020 at 11:45, alacant said:



autodev - crop - bin - wipe - autodev - hdr reveal core - decon - colour - entropy Ha - denoise





Issues: walking coloured pixels. 

  • lose the dark frames
  • take light, bias and flat frames.
  • dither between each light frame.
  • stack using a clip algorithm

I then made it look a bit better (with the discalaimer that I'm hopeless with colour!)





Sorry, me again. You kindly gave me some pointers last week on processing with Startools. I shot some images last night and have followed your guidelines this morning with editing. But I just cant seem to draw the image detail out. The image seems clearer and with more detail in its purely stacked form.

Any advice would be appreciated.

The link to the new image is here:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kfcl0uncv2qfhie/Bhodes Nebula.TIF?dl=0

Thanks again.

Frantically reading user manual now :)



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The data has a few issues which make it difficult to process. Flat frames, if they were applied didn't work. There is horizontal and vertical banding and the image is noisy. Details of the image including hardware and stacking methods may help us nail problems. But anyway:

  • make certain that the flat frames are at the correct exposure and that the master bias has been removed
  • do not use dark frames unless with an optimisation algorithm
  • dither between exposures and stack with a clipping algorithm. This will remove the blotches and noise.

Apart from the addition of banding and star repair, the workflow is as you posted. I had to do the final denoise in DarkTable but I've posted the end result in StarTools too as that my be acceptable to you. The first screen is your .tif in siril which shows what we're up against.

But hey. well done indeed. Any astro-image is an acheivement no matter what and that you are self critical means you're heading in the right direction.



Edited by alacant
luminance only stretch missing
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