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Anyone know dimensions of Dark Star 10" Dobsonian telescope?

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Hey everyone. Hope to buy my first telescope, and wanna go big from the start so am hoping to buy a cheap 10" Dark Star telescope. Only problem is whether I will fit it in my not-so-huge citroen C1! I think it should not be a problem, but if anyone could measure for the the tube length, and let me know whether the stand easily detaches from the tube I would be very grateful. Also if anyone has any advice about whether I should, or shouldn't, go for this as a first scope, I'm all ears!



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Do you know what condition the telescope is in?  Might not be so cheap if the mirror needs deviating for example. The the OTA should be easily detached from it's mounting. If you know the focal ratio, then the tube length can be reasonably worked out. At f5, the length could be around  50 inches, but perhaps a little less, as the light path has  to pass through the focuser. If you are buying this scope blind, you need to get as much information you can before committing any money.





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Well done John!

The focal length looks to be around 1600mm, which gives you a rough idea of the length of the tube.

From the pics, the tube detaches easily, but whether that means it will go in a C1, I don't know! :D

A 10" will be long (as you can see) and heavy.

If your back garden is where you will be observing from then the 'scope shouldn't be too difficult to manage in two pieces.

Some describe the 10" as all the 'scope most of us will ever need, sitting between the 8" and it's larger siblings.

Make sure the mirror is in a reasonably good state or your cheap price will end up being considerably less so, as you'll be looking at a renovation project, rather than something you can use straight away.

A renovation project wouldn't be something I'd chose as a first 'scope!

Ultimately the decision is yours.

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That tube is exceptionally long for a 10" scope (close to 6 feet).  If your hatchback has rear and passenger fold-down seats, it might fit front to back on that side.  The tube appears to just lift off the rocker box.  That could ride behind the driver.


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I'm not sure how a C1 compares, but I recently picked up a 12" Darkstar in my Fiesta.  I had the front and rear passenger seats folded forward and the OTA along that entire side of the car with the rocker box behind the driver's seat.  There wasn't room for much else :)


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