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Jupiter first ever video procesed image

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As we know Jupiter is fairly easy to capture even with modest equipment, but this is the first ever I have captured it using a telescope and video to stack in RegiStax, it from a 500 frame sequence shot on my Canon 6D using backyardeos, I tried the 5x digital zoom but it was a little bright (still learning software and controls, only been at this over a month).

This wasn't planned I was just up late from doing some DSO's and the opportunity was there, I did Saturn as well, but it wasn't so good.


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26 minutes ago, Star101 said:

Very good Nicola. I like the colour.

Thanks Dave, still a bit of C.A. in it though, I seem to get it on the planets and the moon, not sure if it's the converters camera or barlow or an effect of the mirror possible not collimated quite right.


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I have to say though the seeing was pretty bad. looking across the valley (well not really a valley, more a depression in the ground) across Doncaster, and never having done this type of imaging before, I guess not a bad result.

Edited by Nicola Hannah Butterfield
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9 minutes ago, Nicola Hannah Butterfield said:

I have to say thought he seeing was pretty bad. looking across the valley (well not really a valley, more a depression in the ground) across Doncaster, and never having done this type of imaging before, I guess not a bad result.

Indeed not. Well done.

Regards Andrew 

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23 minutes ago, Star101 said:

And you are looking across Doncaster and very low in the sky....cutting through the pollution...Although, since lock-down, pollution levers are low :)

What scope did you use?



Sky Watcher 200P with kenko 1.4 converter, Canon 6d just how the rig was set up. Southern aspect whilst pretty unobstructed from North East to ssw, there is a lot of lp.

Got this a few weeks back similar direction.


Only got the driven mount early March, and as you know clear skies don't happen every day

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That's a great picture. I wish I had such clear southern views.  Light pollution is not that bad there then :)

I have a permanent ror setup but only a letter box sky view. One day I will move house lol. 



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On 16/04/2020 at 15:38, Star101 said:

That's a great picture. I wish I had such clear southern views.  Light pollution is not that bad there then :)

I have a permanent ror setup but only a letter box sky view. One day I will move house lol. 



Thanks. It's pretty bad I think, Upton where I life is a bortle 6 and I am on the fringe at that, but looking south is really bad, North and east are ok, north is over the house, east over houses but about 100 yards away.

On 16/04/2020 at 18:21, kev said:

i think from donny youve done well. jup sat are low down too do they will suffer seeing and atmospheric distortion 

Thank you. I look directly over Donny to the S.E. this was merely a test to see if I could do video with the setup I have, once I got my head round a basic work flow in registax, the software did the work. Yes there was quite a bit of atmospherics that morning, I did a brief video of the moon and that was shockingly bad.

On 17/04/2020 at 04:33, CraigT82 said:

Very nice attempt, both belts clearly visible

Thank you, but like I said, it wasn't really an attempt, just a test, surprising how easy it was really, given the position of Jupiter relative to where I am

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On 27/04/2020 at 13:28, Pete Presland said:

Congratulations on your 1st Jupiter image, not an easy target at the moment

Thanks, my computer in the shed decided to through a wobbly, hard drive failure, so I got an ssd drive which got delayed in the post, it will help speed the old thing up a bit, but lost all last week and the back end of the previous week, drive arrived Tuesday 28th April, so just got it setup and connected to scope, still imagining software to install, but it looks like no pressing need with the forecast, and I have painting to do,

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Just as an indicator of how difficult it is imaging Jupiter at the moment.  I consider myself a pretty experienced imager, with some very capable equipment. 

I managed this about 2 weeks ago, you can see the equatorial belts, but that is about all.


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On 30/04/2020 at 17:28, Pete Presland said:

Just as an indicator of how difficult it is imaging Jupiter at the moment.  I consider myself a pretty experienced imager, with some very capable equipment. 

I managed this about 2 weeks ago, you can see the equatorial belts, but that is about all.


Can I ask what equipment and how many frames. though I suspect in Bedfordshire though London might be effecting the air quality, though that depends where in Bedfordshire and where Jupiter rises in relation to those two places, at I guess I would have thought maybe looking towards Chelmsford.

Edited by Nicola Hannah Butterfield
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