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AR2759 in High Res | HA | April 3rd 2020


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Hey all,

AR2759 is lively with a lovely plage and filaments. The umbra of the sunspot is not very large, but it's still a great little dipole with lots of activity going on.

The high resolution data of the AR was captured via 150mm aperture with only an internal sub-aperture D-ERF that is 50mm, just before the filter system inside the focuser. Seeing was pretty good. No issues with tube currents or other local seeing factors. No full aperture D-ERF/ERF was needed and the resolution was realized (0.4"/pixel, F10 on 2.9um pixels).







And here's a lower resolution view, from a double-stack 60mm system at 0.8"/pixel. The interesting thing about double stacks is that it helps showcase the chromosphere features and removes the photosphere features nearly completely, such as sunspots, the visible umbra is a photosphere feature, so when on-band and well tuned, a tight double stack system will show bright plages, dark filaments and all the chromosphere features but without the dark umbra of the sunspot (to a degree, depending on its size, large ones you will see see the area of the umbra, but it will not be very dark). And the double-limb effect will be removed (as one limb is the photosphere).





Earth Scale:


Seeing Data (SSM), was sub-arc-second this morning many times, slowly deteriorated as the morning progressed, but allowed for high resolution imaging.



150mm F8 (Celestron CR150HD) Refractor (Achromatic Doublet) with Baader 1.25x GPC (F10)
Baader 2" Red CCD-IR Block Filter (Serving as internal sub-aperture D-ERF, in the focuser)
PST Etalon + 10mm BF + ASI290MM camera

Solarmax 60mm II DS Etalon + PST Etalon + 10mm BF + ASI290MM


Very best,

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