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Canon 1000D a First Light M31 Megrez 72 FF III IDAS P2


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Well here's my first light image with the un-modded 1000D - this is still a WIP only rough processign as I need to get back ou tthe obs as Orion wont be far away by now....

M31 mix of 180s @ 800 , 180s @ 1600, 360s @1600 and 360s @ 1600 with darks bias and flats...


(click to enlarge)

More processing to do when the skies are cloudy...


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The rough should tidy up nicely ... orion maybe abit of a disaster - viewport on the obs isnt big enough :)

so had aplay with a few other things which will be in other threads... I moved the modded cam back to the Megrez72 as no point in wasting good skies... for Flame/HHN , Rossette Nebula, Beehive Cluster, Leo Triplet and VSC...

tried some startrails with the 1000D....

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Here are the other 2 firstlight images - no darks ,bias or flats and only minimal processing

Warts and All so basically raw stacks....


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)

Billy...goes bye byes.... ZZZZzzzzzzz

That was a short nap... thanks house... I'd only been up all night :) i'll get round to processign these properly later as DSS is having a "moment" and stripping nearly all the color out of the images ...


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Thnaks Trudie... I thought it better to show the files without too much processing as it gives and idea of the noise levels form the 1000D ... I'll be re-stacking them with Darks, Biad flats and doing allt he usual nonsense a bit later and will re-post them after that.

WIth so many new memebers around and hiopefully lookign around the forum I thought it would be good to showe them waht we oftewn start off with when were processing...Hopefully they'll find there way to The primer and Tutorials written by Martin ...

Still dont know what DSS is playing at... the autosave from the satcking has the color info but if you adjust anything and save as a tiff its losing it... :)


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I'm hoping to be able to combine the data from the un-modded 1000D with data from the modded 350D using registar... it claims to be able to do that and a lot more... the 1000D will be the weapon of choice for Ha sparse targets and the modded 350D for HA rich ones...

The best thing about the 1000D is the battery life even below zero .. i was getting 2 1/2 hours of use out of a battery that was taking 2 hours to recharge (and that's running continously with only 30s between subs) ... so with a pair of batteries It was like the Duracell Bunny... just kept going and going...


Right time to start reprocessing hopefully properly this time ....

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Thanks all,

Hopefully i'll add another few hours to M31 tonight... happy with the way its goign first tiem i have ever got the golden and blue colurs from the home site...

I'd forgotten what an un-modded M42 looked like... i'll try and match up either some subs or short stacks later and do a side by side comparison...


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prob by mid year - once somones puiblished the how to :)

It +0.5C in the obs the klts been outside all day , batts are chareged (not to sure about mine though) I'm already on M31 going to add 2-3 hours with the 1000D to it and M45 then change to the 350D for M42 , Rosette and maybe... a start on the cone... no widefield galaxy clusters tonight... oh and startrails with the D200 and 10-20mm...


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