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Falling £

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Apologies for not being able to provide more notice. 

The £ has fallen heavily against both the € and $ so unfortunately - beginning tomorrow - we must begin increasing our retail prices for products that we pay for in those currencies.

Products from brands like ZWO, iOptron, Tele Vue, Optolong, Chroma, ADM and others will be affected. 

Fortunately, because we already have stock of many of those products, we will not need to increase their prices straight away. We can maintain current prices until our existing stock has sold. Then increase them individually only when they are replenished. 

Prices of new models from ZWO will be affected first. Like the new ASI 533MC-PROASI 2600MC-PROASI 6200MM-PRO and the hugely popular ASiair Pro. Their prices will increase tomorrow. 

If you already have any of the above (or any other product) on backorder then you will not be affected. You will not be asked to pay more. We will absorb the price difference 😇 

When the £ recovers we will look to decrease prices (currency fluctuations work both ways). 






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Yes Steve, thanks for giving us the heads up. Like with anything at the moment think twice or thrice before I buy.

Would love to buy a few things, need to have a think now!

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1 hour ago, Philter said:

Is the price on the site for the ASI533MC-PRO (£856) the new price or has the increase not been applied yet?

We haven't yet applied the increase. We planned to yesterday but hesitated because after posting here saying the £ has fallen, it rose a little. And today it rose a little more. We are hoping it is a trend... We will increase prices later today but might need to adjust them a few days later. 

If you buy an ASI533MC-PRO now you will secure one at pre-increase price (saving £50-100) but please be prepared to wait because demand is high and they are in short supply. 



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Thanks, Steve. 

I thought it probably wasn't the increased price because it didn't look much different from when I had been looking at it over the past couple of months. 

Thanks for keeping us up to date.


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3 hours ago, JemC said:

Are these now in stock or still on back order 😀

The ASiair Pro are still on back-order (the ETA on our product page is probably about right). We are receiving deliveries from ZWO but it will be a while before they are fully back up to speed. I.e. we received a quantity of ASiair Pro about a week ago but only enough to clear back-orders up to Jan 30th. So still a long way to go. If you are waiting until all backorders are cleared and we have spare stock then I fear that might be several weeks. 



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On 26/03/2020 at 21:26, FLO said:

We are receiving deliveries from ZWO but it will be a while before they are fully back up to speed. I.e. we received a quantity of ASiair Pro about a week ago but only enough to clear back-orders up to Jan 30th. So still a long way to go. If you are waiting until all backorders are cleared and we have spare stock then I fear that might be several weeks. 

Another delivery that includes a lot of ASiair Pro has left China so should be with us soon. Hopefully before end of week.

We should then have enough to clear over half our remaining backorders 🙂 



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On 26/03/2020 at 14:12, FLO said:

We haven't yet applied the increase. We planned to yesterday but hesitated because after posting here saying the £ has fallen, it rose a little. And today it rose a little more. We are hoping it is a trend... 

The £ continues to recover 🙂 

We will need to increase some prices Monday but the increases will not be as high as we thought. 





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30 minutes ago, FLO said:

I guess many of your customers are in the UK? 

About half, I'd say, Steve, though our robotic customers are all from other countries. I don't think a falling pound would discourage our UK regulars, though. It's my poor old pension that's the hardest hit! Of course we're fully shut down for the moment and I'll be taking a very cautious view of when to re-open. That may conceivably be after the Govt. give the official all clear.

I do admire your transparent presentation of the situation as it affects you and am sure it's appreciated in the community.


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  • 8 months later...
3 hours ago, Moodtastic said:

will prices be reducing in the new year? 

I doubt that very much. 

A weak £ is good for our non-UK customers (for them, our prices are low) but increases the cost (to us) of goods sourced from outside the UK.

Consider also you have posted in a discussion started before the pandemic, when normal rules applied. Currently demand is very high and the cost of shipping has increased significantly. I predict prices will increase in the New Year, not decrease, and will likely stay increased until vaccines are available to the majority. 



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And then there's brexit ...

Considering all this is precisely why I splurged some of my 'rainy day savings account' on acquiring  'scope #2 last month rather than sensibly saving up to buy it, probably sometime in February, I believe prices of new equipment will climb in the new year.

Secondhand kit though, that may be cheaper if there is a flood of folk trying to raise some cash ...

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