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Heart and Soul - Modded 600D


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This is the Heart and Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia, a hydrogen region containing several small open clusters. It's the first image taken after getting my Canon 600d modded at Cheap Astrophotography (thanks Juan). Here's the capture info:

HEQ5 mount

200mm f4 Takumer M42 (stopped to about 5.6)

Canon EOS 600D (Baader Modded)

Altair GPCAM and 135mm lens as Guider

43 x 300s exposures

50 Flats

50 Flat Darks

50 bias

Dithered no darks


I'd say it's a very challenging object to process as you need to stretch agressively to bring out the nebula and of course the stars take over the image at that point. I've done a few versions of this and its the one i'm happiest with. I'll definitely be revisiting this with a reprocess though. Comments and criticisms welcome as ever.


Edited by cuivenion
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Its a very nice shot and i like to see the two together, however in my opinion it is over saturated and would be even better toned down a little. I would love to get a shot like this but my shortest scope is 330mm and still too smaller FOV at that


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