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After a recent eyetest (this morning!) I've discovered that im short sighted. It seems old age comes to us all eventually, and with it bad eyes. I've ordered my glasses (what a shock to the system! I could have had a 80mm APO refractor for the price of them nearly!) and get to collect them next week. My first concern is (other than my own mortality creeping up on me) is how does this affect my observing?

Acording to the optician nothing will change, focusing will be identical etc, but i'de prefer if anyone here has personal experience of observing, and then having to use glasses. Did it make any difference to your experiences?


Gordon Copestake

(Short Sighted and Skint)

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For Ep's with long eye releif, you'll be able to leave your glasses on and observe -with EP's with short eye relief you'll have to remove your glasses and re focus accordingly.

Shouldn't think it'll be a problem.



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I think that there has been a recent posting on the site about using glasses.

I'm short sighted and wear glasses.

Removing my glasses I can use one eye and get good focus and image. I can't with the other eye.

The difference is astigmatism - one of my eyes has not much astigmatism, the other has a lot.

If you have only just received your first set of glasses your astigmatism may not be too bad.

You should be able to get focus OK without glasses but look carefully at the shape of the object you are looking at. It may be slightly miss-shapen. If it's miss-shapen in both eyes (astigmatism) you'll have to wear glasses at all times when using a scope.

Then you may need Long Eye Relief EP's to get the full field of view (and you thought your glasses were expensive!).


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Gordon. As a specs wearer of many many years...I have no trouble at the EP with or without my specs Dont worry to much about it as you aptly state it comes to all with old age... only prob with that, mine came when I was twelve LOL :lol: But it never stopped my interest in stronomy thank goodness.


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Hi Gorden.

I've been short sighted for many years now, and I prefer not to use my glasses at the scope!

As MD rightly says astigmatism should be your only prob, a quick check with the optician put me at ease,as there is only a slight difference between each eye.

Mick :lol:

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Gordon I think like most things its a little fear of the unknown but once you start getting used to things you will quickly adjust I mainly do not use my glasses whilst viewing can never remember where they are if taken off anyway Lost again now in fact LOL

but the other posts have covered it all its another fact of life the ageing process that we all go through

a good idea may well be to get a new telescope mate :) Ask Nabban or Martin :lol:

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Many thanks for sharing your experiences. It seems that i have little to worry about, and as pointed out, little has changed since i last looked in a telescope! (although that was some time ago due to these bl__dy clouds!).

I dont have my glasses yet, but once i have collected them from the opticians i will experiment and see if my collection of eyepieces has long enough eye relief to use with my glasses on.

Perhaps i'll finally be able to get cassini clear WITH my glasses! I'll perhaps write a small account of my experiences once i've had a chance to get used to them.

Kind regards

Gordon Copestake

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Remember Gordon - you are only 28 - you are not old (despite sayioing that old age has caught up with you) - plenty of years observing ahead :lol:

Most of the amatuer atronomers I know have glasses - and have no bother at all.


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Remember Gordon - you are only 28 - you are not old (despite sayioing that old age has caught up with you) - plenty of years observing ahead :lol:

Most of the amatuer atronomers I know have glasses - and have no bother at all.


This is true, although i have more gray hair than i care to count and now glasses. I just hope they get on with this nanotechnology stuff and i can be 21 again hehe

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Hi Gordon,

I wear Glasses as well, Most of the time i wear contacts when observing and 90% of the time don't have a problem, sometimes though when it gets to the small hours in the morning my contacts/eyes get sticky so i have put on my glasses ( can't see a thing without some help ) Tom showed me some Lanths at Kielder 2 years ago so i decided to buy a set of Lanth eyepieces, good eye relief and quality eyepieces. I do suffer with some of my other eyepieces and glasses and can't use my binoviewers very well with glasses on ( it's more of a comfort thing ). But with Lanths in normal use not a problem at all, Best bit of all round astro kit ever bought. Just sharing my experience.



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Gordon Age wise you have a long way to go ...When you get to my age 73 going on 24 you start looking back on all the good things and planning the next lot LOL.

Have a good Kick A.. life and enjoy every day of it...I do and I can still hump my Dobs up and down the garden with no effort. :lol:

Regards AJ

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Gordon Age wise you have a long way to go ...When you get to my age 73 going on 24 you start looking back on all the good things and planning the next lot LOL.

Have a good Kick A.. life and enjoy every day of it...I do and I can still hump my Dobs up and down the garden with no effort. :lol:

Regards AJ

Good advice AJ! For anybody!

My farther-in-lawis 74 and when we last visited him he was at the top of a 12 foot ladder painting the eaves of his house. Needless to say he wouldn't be told that he was too old to get somebody else to do it. He has a similar philosophy to yourself, Enjoy every day of it!

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