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Galloway Spring (February) 2020 Star Camp


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On 20/02/2020 at 14:59, mapstar said:


Arrived on site at 2pm. It's a bit blustery but the skies are lovely at present.

Hmmm where did I put my scope, oh yeah back home in the lounge!!! 

Glad you both arrived safely. Shame we missed you but were probably in the Dale's by that time taking in some of the scenery on the way home.

Hope it's not as windy as our stay but amazingly we didn't get rained on once. 

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1 hour ago, mapstar said:

" we didn't get rained on once. "

Heavy drizzle at times but hail and rain overnight. Not lying just a bit wet. Very overcast at present.

Not to worry though got some of the amber nectar 😀

Yes, sorry we missed each other.


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Well second night and it rained heavily almost all of the time. The ground is sodden. Very overcast at present and expect it to remain so for the day. On our own, so miss all the hustle and bustle along with the usual banter.

Oh Well 🥃🥃


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3 hours ago, Demon Barber said:

Nice image Derek!

Any clear skies?


Errrr, what does a clear sky look like. Haven't seen one for a while, so forgetting what to look for!

Rained all last night and doing so again tonight by the looks of it. 



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Just a short note about future Star Camps at Galloway.

But an important one!!



One thing I found with my wife's employers, (South Tyneside Area health), was that they wanted holiday date requests well in advance, up to 9 months. Because of this we sometimes  missed a star party because the dates were announced a bit  too late for us to organize things.

SO, with this in mind !


I have discussed and agreed future dates for  Scotland's Premier  Galloway Star Party  with Lesley for this next year (2021) and will post them at some future date. This should give everyone plenty of time to fix holidays with partners, spouses and employers.

If there are any problems it will also hopefully us give plenty of time to attempt a cure.



This has become neccessary, as Lesley now has a lot of other business to conduct for efficient running of the camp site and is partly  due to new family commitments.

We are privaleged to get sole use of the site for our Star Parties and we need to keep that in mind.



Rather garish colours I know but I need to get the message across to all regular attendees and those thinking of attending either casually or for the first time.


Please note:

!!!!!!!     Do not try to book for places at a future STAR CAMP via the Drumroamin web site     !!!!!!

Lesley specifically closes the WEB  BOOKINGS (i.e. it looks like all bookings are full up).

This is done so that WE ALONE have the site to ourselves.

You MUST BOOK by email, or speak directly on the telephone with Lesley.

No other method is acceptable, this is to avoid disapointments, i.e.  double or lost bookings, or faults with the bookings via the web site.

That's all for now folks.

Best wishes to all,


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Last post from Drumroamin this time.

Weather awful with high winds and lashing rain. The last two days have been the worst. Tomorrow is forcast to be much the same for our trip home.

I am hoping that this is all the "bad" rolled into one and that next October camp is a great deal better.

Still enjoyed the break, but would have been better with others here, missed the chats and company.



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Hi Derek a big thank you is in order,for going above and beyond.

Sorry i mised this one,i hope Annette got  plenty of knitting done?

Can you imagine how much the whiskey bill would have been if everyone had been on site wth inclement weather?

Have a safe trip home tommorrow and i`ll catch up with you later in the week.

Again thank you for holding the fort. 😀



Edited by Demon Barber
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Thanks Mike,

The bad point really, was I brought some Macallan Gold 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃especially for those who really like it you know 😂.

Now I will just have to hang onto it for the Autumn do😈

I can imagine the anticipation and looks of appreciation  😱



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Hi Derek,

Glad to hear that you survived the weather. The hills covered in snow look very good.

The weather is meant to average out over a year, so the Autumn Star Party will be dry, sunshine for solar imaging and of course those brilliant dark skies are a dead cert!

Given my trusted forecast, I cannot see how we will have time for a drinking session..... 

Anyway, thanks for your efforts.

See you in the Autumn.



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6 hours ago, mapstar said:

God forbid you've not got any old paint to get off something 

Got to be brutally honest, The Macallan Gold is probably the worst expression ever produced by Macallan and would be better suited to be used as a paint remover. ☠️

But I doubt it could even be used effectively for that either. 😂


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