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Galloway Spring (February) 2020 Star Camp


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Hi everyone.

I have the pleasure of announcing the dates for the Spring (February) Galloway Star Camp.

The Star Camp will be held at Drumroamin Camp Site  in  February  between the Friday 21st and Wednesday the 26th.

Weather dependant !!!


Please Note

These February dates are dependant upon the site being DRY enough!!! At present it is very wet and if it does not dry out unfortunately the Star Camp will be cancelled !!!

Too much damage can and has be caused to the field by vehicle traffic when wet.

The camp owner will make the final decision on this.



These dates  make  a change from the usual Wednesday to the Sunday as in previous years. It is necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.


These dates still contain a weekend so hopefully most can attend if at work during the week days.

(The New Moon is on Sunday the 23rd February.)


Mike has now given up his roll in organising the camp after 10 years at the helm. At present he is not too well with a bad chest infection, so I am certain we all wish him well.


I will organise this camp and next October camp as well.

Dates for the October Star Camp  will be posted shortly.

I forgot, please contact Lesley or Ralph at www.drumroamin.co.uk to book a pitch as ususal.



My best wishes to everyone and for the New Year, hope you all had a great Christmas.


Edited by Physopto
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Hi Adrian,

Yes Mike is a bit under the weather at present. But he should be him self shortly with any luck. Maybe been over doing the work in his house ?? He does not like stopping :blob3:

Weather is bad all over from what I have read. We will just have to suck it and see what happens. I hope regular attendees are not put off from booking up at the spring star camp, because as you will appreciate things can change quite quickly and the site dries out fast.

Hoping for a good turn out.


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Hello Derek

Thank you for taking up the mantle and organising the Spring and Autumn Galloway Star Party.

To everyone who is reading this: A Happy New Year to you all.

Christina and I plan to book up with Lesley for the Spring event this weekend, so that should be five of us so far Derek.

Adrian has booked up as I have just had a message from him, up to now we plan to arrive on Wednesday 19th February and we probably depart on the Monday or the Tuesday (24th or 25th). 

Best regards,

Christina and Hadyn - IOM


Edited by hadyn42
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Great to hear you are booking up for the Spring Star Camp Hadyn. I cannot get there for the start as the van is booked until the 23rd but there for that night onwards. So at least we will get to chat. Hope you and Christina had a nice Christmas and New Year. At present laid up in bed. Done my back in somehow! Can't walk at present and really bored stiff. 

Anyhow hope the weather plays ball and we get many other happy astronomers there as well.


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12 hours ago, Physopto said:

Be good to see you and Christina.🤔

Don't forget the cakes 🤣


Helllo Derek

I don't know what you mean about the cakes!

There should be LDC, FC, and GC available on site when we get there. I hope your back is a lot better now Derek, you need to get Annette to rub some of them spirits on your back that you have in stock. I always thought that your Engineers when you have a sore back you get it get rubbed done with an oily rag.....

Lets hope the weather is kind to us and we do get a few more attendee's on site Derek, is there a certain number of folk needed before the event goes ahead? Just asking this question as we need to book time off work and of course our ferry arrangements.

Best regards,

Christina and Hadyn


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51 minutes ago, hadyn42 said:

Helllo Derek

I don't know what you mean about the cakes!

There should be LDC, FC, and GC available on site when we get there. I hope your back is a lot better now Derek, you need to get Annette to rub some of them spirits on your back that you have in stock. I always thought that your Engineers when you have a sore back you get it get rubbed done with an oily rag.....

Lets hope the weather is kind to us and we do get a few more attendee's on site Derek, is there a certain number of folk needed before the event goes ahead? Just asking this question as we need to book time off work and of course our ferry arrangements.

Best regards,

Christina and Hadyn


No number set. We will just have to see how it goes. If the site field has to be closed, then the hard standing is available. But ultimate decision is Lesley's. I am just hoping it all turns out well for us all. As I said earlier we can't get there until the 23rd as the van is occupied until then. Lesley may be amenable to tents at edge of hard standing  I don't know at present. As long as cars are not driven onto the field if it is sodden.

Usually there are not great numbers at the February event, we will just have to suck it and see. I will get updates from Lesley as soon as it becomes reasonable to do so.

I hope that those wishing to attend get in touch with Lesley at the earliest, so that at least some numbers are available to us to plan ahead. 

Then I will post the results for everyone to see. I will be there anyway as long as I am able to. Spent the last week in bed as can't walk at present. Slow improvement so again suck it and see. 


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Hi Derek,

 Many thanks for taking over the reigns and organising the event. I wish Mike well and his hospitality, generosity and enthusiasm will be sorely missed. 

 I had already booked off and was eagerly awaiting the dates. I'm there so let's just hope the weather is favourable.

 I'd definitely be in for setting the tent up without driving on the field as it wouldn't be a hardship for me. 


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Sorry for the delay in replying. I was holding off until plans this end had been confirmed. It now looks like I will be able to attend. Looking forward to it.

As Damian says, I would not be adverse to setting up my tent without taking the car onto the field. 

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4 minutes ago, mapstar said:

All booked Thursday 20th to Wednesday 26th 👍

Excellent news!

I just tried calling Lesley but I think she is still occupied elsewhere. So I will try again in the morning if I can to check on a few things.


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Ralph took a message and Lesley returned my call quite late.

She said the field was wet at present although looking for some better weather next week.

I assured her I'd be setting the tent up from the hard standing.

Fingers crossed already stocked up on the warming liquid! 

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I have just finished talking to Lesley on the phone. She has agreed that there is no objections setting up tents on the hard standing/field edge.

Cars can be parked around the back of the house in the storage area if need be to allow motor homes parking on the hard standing area.

Obviously this is all dependent on the field being overly sodden come the Star Party start as no vehicles will be allowed on the grass if it is that bad. BUT it is still some way off as yet and the weather could improve with luck.



So as of the present information known even if the field is very wet -------- 

The 2020 Spring Galloway Star Party is a GO.

I hope that this is welcome news for all attending and/or for those awaiting more news on what is happening.

Please book at, your earliest convenience to avoid any disappointments.

So hoping for good clear skies.

😂Rain dancers will be shot!😂

Hoping to see regular and new attendees.



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Hi Derek,

I thought folk would like to know what it looks like early morning at a Spring Galloway Star Party......

Plus afternoons birdwatching at Wigton Bay

and an Evening sky with no clouds.

What could be better!!!!!

Definitely worth the 800 mile round trip........

See you all there 


Star Party Drumroarin 2018.jpg

Birdwatching Wigton Bay.jpg

Clear Evening Sky.jpg

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