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Here's one you don't very often - the reflection nebula  IC2087, which is embedded in the dark nebula Barnard 22.   Since reflection nebula's are normally blue, I'm not too sure why this one is orange(ish)....I guess it must be the combination of the light from the bright blue star (out of frame), which is makes the background blue/purple, interacting with the dark brown/red of the dark nebula. 

IC2087 is also known as the little flame which seems appropriate  since the stars above it appear like sparks from a small fire.  For those with keen eyes, you'll also see a small red blotch above the fire, this isn't a processing artifact but a Herbig-Haro object which is a patch of nebulosity associated with newly born stars.   

So, you get quite a few interesting features in this image which was taken with my Esprit 150 and represents just under 10hours integration time. 




LIGHTS: L:12, R:15, G:12, B:20 x 600s, BIAS:100, DARKS:30, FLATS:40 all at -20C. 

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16 hours ago, wimvb said:

Great image. I had to look it up, it's an unusual target.

Thanks Wim - yes, it does not often appear, although it is often captured in wide field views of B22. 

16 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Pleasingly original and rather spooky as an object...

Thanks - it's quite different from my normal output.  The style of the image reminds me a bit of an old dark oil painting.

16 hours ago, Skipper Billy said:

This is just lovely. It's a new one on me. Well done - beautiful image.

Thanks for the comment :smile:

16 hours ago, alan potts said:

Beautiful and one I have never seen before.


Thanks Alan !:hello:

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9 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Very nice close up.  I was looking at this image earlier, and tonight I started imaging B22.  It never dawned on me that this was in the middle of B22! 

Thanks. :hello:

Yes, this one is hiding in plain sight !


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