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First light - ZWO ASI533MC Pro + Duo-Band Filter


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Last weekend got a clear night and decided to take first light with ZWO ASI533MC Pro. The Moon was quite near to full, but still was giving around 1h 30 minutes darkness - good chance to make some tests of the ZWO Duo-Band Filter too. Additional performed test was the usage under the skies of APT's support for the ZWO native driver :)

As target picked-up an object that is well known with idea that can show the performance of the camera itself. BTW I have never imaged the Rosette so far, and it is still in my list for a narrowband attempt :)

The first revision is comparison of single frames, auto stretched - one when the Moon was high above the horizon, the second was few minutes after its setting.


The second revision the processed image taking all available frames 50 with Moon and 11 without. Used is the unity gain for the camera - Gain 100, Offset 70.

Having some experience with DSLRs I'm very happy with the results from ZWO ASI533MC Pro. No darks or bias frames are applied! Just dithering and cooling to -20C :) In the net saw some opinions that this camera is good entry level for images coming from DSLRs. There is need to make few serious sessions without Moon, however on this stage, my opinion is that ASI533MC Pro is great OSC that can give very good data when there is no time to make LRGB with mono camera. My plan is to use it as main imager during astro parties :) 

Edited by Yoddha
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Thanks for the report Ivo and really enjoyed the image as well!  I'm still waiting for some clear skies to test my 533 out (a step from DSLR for myself).

I don't yet have a duo-band filter, but (excuse my lack of knowledge on this) is the image coloured like that coming off the camera?  What a difference before and after moon had set; as a beginner it was great to see those initial frames on Astrobin too.

(Thanks also for adding the updated driver and SDK so quickly to Apt for the 533)

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14 hours ago, geeklee said:

Thanks for the report Ivo and really enjoyed the image as well!  I'm still waiting for some clear skies to test my 533 out (a step from DSLR for myself).

I don't yet have a duo-band filter, but (excuse my lack of knowledge on this) is the image coloured like that coming off the camera?  What a difference before and after moon had set; as a beginner it was great to see those initial frames on Astrobin too.

(Thanks also for adding the updated driver and SDK so quickly to Apt for the 533)


Thank you!


I didn't change the colors intentionally. The background extraction made the color balance and later just enhanced the saturation. Most likely the combination of the filter and the big Moon has produced this color scheme :)

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  • 3 months later...


This is my second round of the ASI533MC Pro testing. Again a popular target is selected in order to give better base for comparison. In this project didn't use any filters in order the camera own performance. Other change is that the gain is a bit lower than the unity, trying to increase dynamic range.

As additional note, have to add that 2/3 of the frames were taken with moderate sky :( This winter was not generous and had to use what is given...

I'm quite happy with the result :) The camera is sensitive and gave deep look on the object even with the smallish 80mm refractor.


97х5min = 8h 5min, gain 75, offset 70. WO 80FD, WO FRII, CEM60, APT, PI, PS

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  • 2 months later...

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