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Crater Baco and Maurolycus Area

Mike JW

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Just getting round to sorting sketches from a few nights ago. I have wanted to try out some different techniques.

Maurolycus Sketch - mainly felt pen and deliberately very stark -  not sure I will try this again. Fascinating crater with what appears to be a double wall on one side, which I assume is where the later impact smashed up a previous crater. Some very impressive walls. Not far away is crater Baco which I did not include in this sketch but would be at the bottom of sketch.



Crater Baco

Tried a sort of cross hatching technique, as per Lurcher (Martin) - not a patch on Martin's technique so more practice needed.




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Mike, two interesting techniques there. Yeah, the black pen is maybe a little too much and kind of pulls your eyes away from everything else... Still a very tough region to sketch though.  

I do like the second sketch. Very natural looking - although you can see where your usual detailed technique was trying to find its way in.. 🙂... Nicely done


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1 hour ago, mark81 said:


I do like the second sketch. Very natural looking - although you can see where your usual detailed technique was trying to find its way in.. 🙂... Nicely done


You are absolutely right about my normal detailed technique creeping in. I have set aside time to explore non - detailed sketching techniques.  Not sure I will succeed but fun trying. Thanks Mark for the feedback.

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They're good sketches again Mike. Once again I'm not familiar with that area, or those craters, so had to look them up, and came across another sketch of the same area done in pastels - hoping this link takes you to it. https://astronomysketchoftheday.wordpress.com/2014/12/31/lunar-crater-maurolycus/

It's upside down to yours but you can see all the areas you've captured.

Braco is good too. Making me annoyed with myself again for not getting the scope out last night - it was cloudy early on so I didn't bother and then saw a lovely clear sky later on once I'd consigned myself to a lazy evening indoors! It's not looking good for a while again now.

Thanks for posting.

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Martin, Thanks for the link. Having decided my felt was too stark I had been pondering about re-doing in chalk/pastel, thus your link is very timely. Just come in from 1.5hr session on the moon resulting in much sketching material. Mike

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8 hours ago, markse68 said:

Do you know anything about it?

Hi, Sorry, no I don't know anything about it. I was purely searching for images of the crater that Mike had drawn and found that one hand-drawn image. I'll have to go back and have more of a look around the site myself. Sorry I can't be of more help. It's a shame if it is no longer being updated.

13 hours ago, Mike JW said:

Just come in from 1.5hr session on the moon resulting in much sketching material.

Ahaa! Well done Mike. I did get out last night quickly and saw the Gassendi Crater, which always looks good, and I was pleased that I could recognize it from an earlier sketch I did of it. But I couldn't help thinking that I probably wouldn't improve on that and so decided I'd save any attempts for another night!

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Hi All, Always a pleasure to share our artistic attempts at recording out lunar exploits. 

Martin - I too looked at Gassendi and thought of you, likewise I also stopped myself drawing it again. Hoping to post the Marius Hills, when I have sorted the sketch. They were fascinating right on the edge of the terminator. In fact I carried away last night - rilles, domes, ridges, flooded craters.

Ruud - thank you.

Mark - beautiful artwork - I could never do such a sketch (need to go on a course to learn to draw).

Keep sharing and coming up with new challenges.

All the best


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Hi folks,

As you know I was not happy with my Maurolycus sketch - too stark. So I have redone it using colouring pencils, white and silver gel pens on black paper. I also decided to reduce the area drawn. Much happier - less stark, more 3D and nice to mindlessly colour large areas even if its different shades of grey. This technique/pencils would seem to work well where there is much lunar blackness. Comments welcome - always something to learn.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Mike,

thanks for showing these two sketches with their individual techniques!

And thanks Martin for the link.  I've been posting to that site quite some times in the past and indeed this Maurolycus sketch is mine. It was nice to revisit it five years after posting. :)

Unfortunately that site isn't maintained anymore as far as know.

Clear skies!


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