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A rookies first peek at M42


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After many weeks with heavy clouds, a clear sky was finally showing up. My 70mm refractor and AZ3 mount has served me well, but my new Twilight 1 on a 1,75 inch steel tripod with an extension pier was about to get its debut.

First observation: it is heavy! The az3 was not even 4 kg; the new setup is almost 13! Truly a big difference. I do not really need such a mount with the 70mm, but since I am planning to upgrade to something bigger in the future, I thought it would be a waste to buy something better for the 70mm alone. Although the Twilight 1 has gotten a bit of critic I hope it will serve all my needs with a few modifications.

Anyway, I put the mount head and the extension pier in a backpack, grabbed the case with the scope and accessories in one hand, and the tripod in the other, and lugged of through the snow to my “local” dark site (a small field in the woods behind a parking lot; a lot more dark than my balcony!)

I started out the M42, my very first view of this one! 70mm + Bortle 8 skies is not really a good match for DSOs, but nebulosity was visible with averted vision. I could not see much while looking straight at it. A bit disappointed really, since most of my viewing will be from this spot, and I was hoping for a bit more on M42. I had forgotten my UHC filter, and I did not bother to go back for it at this time, but it might have improved things. Snapped a picture with my iPhone 6, and you can actually see some nebulosity there. A handy way of documenting my viewings.

I moved over to the Hyades followed by the Pleiades. Always a nice view, nice and crisp.  I went back to Orion, and just paned around for a bit. It is always interesting to view the color differences in stars, and in Orion you have a nice mix: from the orange Betelgeuse to the intense white Rigel.

I ended the evening with the moon. Snapped a picture of that one as well. All in all a pleasant night!





191202 M42 Orion NebulaCROPPED.jpg

191203 Moon.jpg

Edited by grjsk
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M42 even from polluted skies normally gives pretty decent views.

From dark skies it really does come alive with the nebulosity extendingvout quite a way.

If you are in polluted skies sticking to the brighter dso's, planets and moon maybe the way to go.

Keep trying as the more times you get out and familiarize yourself with the setup the more you will pick out. 


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On 03/12/2019 at 11:34, grjsk said:

I had forgotten my UHC filter, and I did not bother to go back for it at this time, but it might have improved things.

From my recent experience under Bortle 8/9 skies a uhc does make a lot of difference with Orion- really helps bring out the nebulosity. Also I was surprised how much magnification brings out of it- with my highest 320x the trapezium area was really 3D and I spotted a fifth star in there which was very pleasing! This was with my 8”dob though so a fair bit more aperture (I’ve read you should be able to see 6 with a 6” scope though- maybe under better darker skies)

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On 08/12/2019 at 10:40, markse68 said:

From my recent experience under Bortle 8/9 skies a uhc does make a lot of difference with Orion- really helps bring out the nebulosity. Also I was surprised how much magnification brings out of it- with my highest 320x the trapezium area was really 3D and I spotted a fifth star in there which was very pleasing! This was with my 8”dob though so a fair bit more aperture (I’ve read you should be able to see 6 with a 6” scope though- maybe under better darker skies)

This is very true! 

I tried again last night. A very big moon, but the sky was clear so out I went. I started at 20x on M42; pretty much the same view as last time. Then I cranked it up to 62x, and then 122x. A big difference! The core was much more visable.  Then I tried the UHC-filter: even better! Truly a marvelous view. 


Snapped a new shot of the moon as well. 




191203 Moon auto psexpress.jpg

Edited by grjsk
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