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New Apex ED 0.65x Reducer / Flattener


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Hi all,

This new reducer/flattener looks interesting. It's been featured on the AstroBackyard video.

Reducing my Esprit 80 down to f3.25 is very tempting.

Has anyone else seen this? Are you considering getting one?



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2 hours ago, AbsolutelyN said:

Interested to hear more on this for my Esprit 100. I suspect image quality may be pushed a bit with the 80 unless using with a small sensor as the 80 has smaller image circle.

Yes, although I’d be willing to do some cropping if it was just the edges that had issues.

I’m wondering if my Baader filters would work at f3.25.

Also I focus manually, so not sure if that will be difficult at f3.25.

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I have one on order for my SW Esprit 120. SW staff recommended it. The dealer who saw it an imaging gathering recommended it. My hope is that the production model is as good. But Starizona has a good reputation for quality and for making it right when something slips through. At the same time I ordered the Pegasus Focus Cube2.

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  • 1 month later...
On 04/12/2019 at 18:50, MoragaSky said:

I have one on order for my SW Esprit 120. SW staff recommended it. The dealer who saw it an imaging gathering recommended it. My hope is that the production model is as good. But Starizona has a good reputation for quality and for making it right when something slips through. At the same time I ordered the Pegasus Focus Cube2.

Any feedback on how well the reducer performs and how easy it is to get right backfocus?  

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for leaving you hanging. After what seemed like a dozen test images  and changes in spacing I sent the Apex back. After I did that Starizona added a spacer to the web page that is required to use the Apex with the 120 and 150. I was told that they failed to actually test the Apex on those two scopes. 

They have a weasel worded explanation to the effect that some buyers could not reach focus, The correct wording I'm told is that no buyer with a 120 or 150 could use the adapter and reach focus.

Starizona supplied the extension to early buyers at no cost if they complained. Too late for me.

Based on what I did see and some user reports the Apex should work well. provided flats are made. I saw a lot of vignetting, and I may have had a dud example. Others report much better results. 

I asked if Starizona would supply non post processed images made with a 120 but have yet to get a response.

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Thanks for the update and sorry that it didn’t work out. 
It looks like the Riccardi x0.75 is still the only really safe bet reducer/flattened for the Esprit 120 and 150. 

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Just looking at adapting one of these to an APM 107/700. If anyone has done that I’d be interested to know what adapters people used and if any spacing issues arose. Looks like I can go from m82 to m68 then to the m68 adapter starizona sell. I have m82 adapter Already on the focuser to take the Riccardi FF. 

in passing I note Starizona sell a 2in extension as necessary for the Esprit 120/150. Presumably this is a recent addition given comments above.

If anyone has one of these on a scope around 100-110mm I’d be keen to see a flat taken on 35mm sensor, or better still a 1:1 24mm x24mm square crop from full frame. That’s what I shoot with using the Starizona SCT Corrector III that has a nominal circle of 27mm. It’s a bit of a stretch to the 34mm diagonal of that square but I can do it with flats at the price of noisy corners. The Apex claims 30mm circle so maybe rather better in that plan. With the 0.65 if that works I’d prefer it to the large Riccardi 0.75, which is the standard option. (I can use the Apex also on another scope.) Views very welcome!


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On 05/03/2020 at 04:55, MoragaSky said:


They have a weasel worded explanation to the effect that some buyers could not reach focus, The correct wording I'm told is that no buyer with a 120 or 150 could use the adapter and reach focus.


Given the shameless mendacity of their words about the Hyperstar this does not surprise me.

I won't say that bringing a refractor down to F3.25 is impossible but it strikes me as highly optimistic and very likely to bring other difficulties with it.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi!  I have briefly tested the Apex 0.65 reducer on my Esprit 100ED this week.  I am Ok with it at the moment but I think can get better back focus distance I hope (now at 58mm recommended by Starizona).  Here are one images taken in my Bortle 9 Montreal sky and one stretched flat.  Would like to read your thoughts.  Mario

Andromeda ASI2600 100 Apex Mtl 20201008 DP.jpg

Edited by Mario Spenard
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On 12/03/2020 at 08:52, ollypenrice said:

Given the shameless mendacity of their words about the Hyperstar this does not surprise me.

I won't say that bringing a refractor down to F3.25 is impossible but it strikes me as highly optimistic and very likely to bring other difficulties with it.


Yes at no stage have I been tempted to try this with my Esprit. There are good reasons why most reducers don't go lower than 0.8x or everyone would be selling them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/12/2019 at 19:50, MoragaSky said:

I have one on order for my SW Esprit 120. SW staff recommended it. The dealer who saw it an imaging gathering recommended it. My hope is that the production model is as good. But Starizona has a good reputation for quality and for making it right when something slips through. At the same time I ordered the Pegasus Focus Cube2.

Hi, are you still happy with your Apex ED 0.65x Reducer / Flattener ?

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  • 5 months later...

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