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Enter the dragon !


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Clouds thinned and cleared by 10 revealing a glistening dark sky . Temperature soon dropped to give frost in the air. The seeing was very variable , starting off really wobbly, even moving diffraction discs around . Then after midnight the sky settled wonderfully . Holding x266 on Σ1037 in Gemini got a split below 1". Pretty impressive for a 4.5mm TMB in the yard cannon. 

Lovely to start off with Gemini and M35 , filling the view at x90. Central white dwarf of NGC 2392 easily spotted , some lovely transparency. 

Heard a pheasant put up , fox must be about. Followed by a rapid yipping of a low flying owl, delighted to be hunting in the dry . Magic hours after midnight , settled air and so free of direct lights and racket . NGC 2419 gave a fish hook leading to the averted sparkle of this most distant globular cluster in Lynx.

Caught the very bright Vesta in Cetus, very bright and non stellar. 

Orion looked ace with bow (club) filled with stars. Couldn't miss out on NGC 2169 and the Trapezium , with an easy "E". 

Check out rho Orionis ( SAO 112528) , a delicate almost planet like secondary hovers nearby , almost proudly held ! Don't leave without sigma Orionis , a wonderful multiple fish hook .To the west the long string of Eridanus gave a low view of the triple , bright Keid. 

Compared that to Tegmine (Zeta Cancri) and the very bright beta Monocerotis (SAO 133317). Some handy comparisons , firstly with the variable carbon stars R Leporis ( the glowing Hind's crimson star ) SAO 150058,what a lovely glowing goal . Later "La superba" Y CnV. Then the two winter Albireos, in Canis Major and Cancer. Both filled with colour.

Monoceros holds many clusters , but my favourite is NGC 2301, O'Meara's "Hagrid's dragon". A fine cluster nearly as good from darker sky kept me at the view. Don't forget the ancient M67 and the bzz of M44 nearby .

Leo was climbing high and a quick view of NGC 2903 , bright up near the head. A small fuzz of M94 in CnV, sky was light low down throwing light around in heavy humidity. 

Packed up at 2.30, buzzing with a rare and remarkable session, under 

Clear skies ! Nick.IMG_7324.thumb.JPG.93e90b83bcf394a2f43257aae91610a0.JPGIMG_7325.thumb.JPG.6d36853d68fc130c4ca6cad0c5d8e424.JPGIMG_7326.thumb.JPG.0de7496a8cea17a56a04a03e6bc29140.JPGIMG_7327.thumb.JPG.409dc548ceca48eaaf6fc78a5f6b9166.JPG

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Brilliant Nick I got out for an hour not much to report as seeing was terrible milky packed up at 11.30 perhaps should of stayed out. Tonight is supposed to be better after a sunny day no clouds should be better seeing, Going to try a couple of these plus M35 and give NGC 2392 (Clown Face Nebula) a go see what mag I have to use. I would love to bag Tegmine think I have tried it half a dozen times and not got the third component, will definitely going for Hagrids dragon.

Lovely sketches as usual. 

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Great report Nick. I’m planning on doing some doubles tonight and I know you have been known to dabble in this area occasionally......One question.....how do you measure degrees of separation through the ep??...For example if I’m at x250 mag, showing a split in a double, how do I know what that split is in degrees?...Does that make sense?

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