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Saturn 2008 December 07


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These images have S at top. Titan appears preceding Saturn just N of the ring plane. Dione is visible transiting just N of the ring plane, and its shadow appears on the disk preceding. A clear spot is present in the STrZ on the CM at III=312, and a fainter spot is visible in the SEBZ. In the high-contrast red image there may be some genuine finer detail as well: condensations on the NEB and waves or projections on the SEB N edge, but one cannot be sure without a time sequence.



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Thanks all for your appreciation, as it was freezing that morning!

Yes, the red channel always contains the most detail on Saturn, and the blue the least.

The other thing to point out about these images is that the disk of Titan is resolved. It is much larger than the shadow of Dione, and appears orange in the RGB, which is its real colour, due to the organic smog. Also there may be a hint of its limb darkening in the high-contrast image.


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I haven't found the NIR particularly efficacious on Saturn. The signal is weak, so you have to go to longer exposures, so, in fact, I find the r filter tends to give a better result. On Jupiter, particularly when it is low, IR is very good, just because the surface brightness is so much higher.[br]

Seeing was average on this occasion. I took two AVIs in each colour and used the better ones.[br]

Seeing is usually poor in the winter. [br]


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