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The Methuselah nebula - MWP1


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MWP1 (Motch-Werner-Pakull 1) also known as The Methuselah Nebula is a rarely-imaged faint bi-polar planetary nebula in the constellation of Cygnus. It is one of the largest known planetary nebulae - spanning some 15 light years. It lies around 4,500 light years from Earth.

Astrodon Blue: 16x300"
Astrodon Green: 16x300"
Astrodon Lum: 18x600"
Astrodon Red: 16x300"
Astrodon Ha: 35x1800s bin 2x2
Astrodon OIII: 37x1800s bin 2x2

Total Integration: 43 hours

Captured on my dual rig in Spain.
Scopes: APM TMB LZOS 152
Cameras: QSI6120wsg8
Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPS


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Great image of a new (to me) target!

43 hours is indeed a long time to spend on one subject, I think the longest I have achieved so far is 18 hours and that took 3 months with UK NW weather!

Well done! and thanks for sharing



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  • 9 months later...

I had a go at this last September (2019) having seen Don Goldman's 2010 APOD, but never got enough data to finish it.  Your superb image has fired me up again, now that dark nights are soon returning to my northerly (55 deg) latitude.  Not that my Northumberland skies can ever hope to match your Spanish ones, but we do what we can 😉  I particularly like the way you have blended the narrowband data in with RGB to give good star colours.  One to aim for!



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Super Peter,

As it turns out I m imaging that object too right now. I was in a different part of the sky in Cygnus, and the mount lost the guide star and moved away. I was taking O3 at the time, and I spotted this is the wrong sub.

Looked cool, so I changed object.

Thanks for posting, I could not find it in any catalogue I was looking up. I must google some more of the MWP objects.


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