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Winter fest


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A cracking night , kicking off at midnight . A great winter preview and an early chance to enjoy favourites and show pieces. After midnight the air settles and its noticeably locally darker with folk asleep and lights off. Temperatures fell giving a massive amount of dripping dew. The sky was just divine , with some superb seeing and transparency.

Started with the lovely cluster , NGC 1582 in Perseus. Sitting and drawing just relaxes the eye and soul !

Auriga kicked off with Cassiopeia at the zenith and the double cluster by eye. A lovely view of M37, try x90 here and it fills the fov. The fabulous eclipsing binary , one of the "kids"   Zeta , showed a beautiful star fired with this most orange star. I managed Theta using a bit of aperture masking , just caught the delicate companion. 

An early look at M1 and it was there by direct viewing . Over to the "Eskimo", NGC 2392 in Gemini. Cranking up the power above x200 and some hood detail and the central white dwarf. M35 and NGC 2158 gave ages of viewing. 

Orion rising high with a complete bow and the Meissa melotte by eye . The Trapezium gave just the fifth E star  with a lovely view of M42 nebulosity. Sigma Orionis was a elegantly sharp. Had a look at NGC 2169, the "37" cluster. Over to the buzzing beehive of M44 filling the field with binaries. 

A visit to NGC 2301 in Monoceros , the wonderful "Hagrid's dragon" wings outspread over a jewelled body. A view of the clusters NGC 2264 with the Christmas tree, NGC 2244 , M50 and "Avery's island", NGC 2353.

Back to Cancer and Zeta Cancri , the fabulous Tegmine. Seeing superb and over x240 to crack this bright beauty open .Iota Cancri is a contender for "winter Albireo", lots of colour here. Reminded me to check the red "Hind's crimson" in Lepus. Lovely glowing coal, SAO 150058 is the only one I can remember if asked !


Packed in with Sirius and the front of Leo rising. A lovely tour , first autumn view of a lot of these . Hoping for 

Clear skies !


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Wow you had a good night clouded out here until 4am when it cleared to a beautiful dark sky but I got back in bed. Cracking drawings I love "Hagrids Dragon" hopefully come SGL we will see loads more stuff. Only ever seen M1 in my 8" I will try with the 5" but I dont hold out much hope.

Great sketches again I am bringing my stuff down so I can sketch as well see if we match.

I will be incorporating those objects into a couple of lists thank you for posting. 

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Sounds like a cracking session Nick, you were lucky to get such a decent sky.
When I looked out at 10 here last night it was still clouded out so made for my bed.

Love your writing and sketches, it brings the session to life.
Thank you for sharing.

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