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When I was a kid and skies were much darker and eyes were much better, I am sure I remember seeing faint nebulosity round M45 with eyeballs! Am I just imagining this? My eyesight was very good back then but I keep thinking my memory has been tweaked by all the great images I have seen over the years.

Totally stunning image btw. I look at this every night I am out with the scope.

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Just re-read your post. I was wondering, how do you "discard" some images? Do you go through them manually, or just use DSS to select pics over a threshold?



I either discard them based on score that DSS rates each pic with or if I spot something wrong such as an aircraft trail or cloud then just uncheck the image.

In the wee hours of Sunday morning I had 21 images that I had grabbed remotely from the setup and I did a preliminary process of the data whilst the setup was still imaging the same object. In total I had 34 subs which were progressively lower in score but I stacked and processed these along with 10 darks and wasnt as happy with the second process as much as the first prelimary one.

I may revisit the subs and add more to the 21 :D




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I have just had it pointed out that there are one possibly two galaxies caught in the upper left area of my shot.

I think at least one circled on the right is a galaxy as I have looked at Rob Gendlers Image and it's on his. The other one on the left may be a hot pixel drifting through the image ?

Does any one know the name of the galaxy or galaxies? I cannot find it on Starry Night Pro.


(click to enlarge)

Link to Rob Gendlers Image

M45 Rob Gendler



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Did you see the APOD today? Thats M45. I have to say, there's not a great deal of difference to yours Kevin!

I bet if you PM Paulo, he'll be able to tell you something else about it, all the asteroids! He was kind enough to do a gif for me, where he found 6 asteroids, and with only 6 subs to go on!

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Did you see the APOD today? Thats M45. I have to say, there's not a great deal of difference to yours Kevin!

I bet if you PM Paulo, he'll be able to tell you something else about it, all the asteroids! He was kind enough to do a gif for me, where he found 6 asteroids, and with only 6 subs to go on!

Thanks for the compliment Tim. It's funny that you ask. I dont as a rule look at the APOD site that often but I was plucking up the courage to submit this one and took a look. I did a search for M45 and there were afew then it suddenly dawned on me that yesterdays image was an M45. That put paid to that fleeting thought as it wont probably be picked again for a while :D.



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