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Unboxing New Vixen SD81S

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I have been wanting one of these for quite a while and today it arrived, I made use of FLO`s price match button and they kindly obliged and got a £99 reduction.



As always it starts with a box that may contain clouds, this one didn`t, its clear outside and set to stay that way according to the forecast.




Inside every good box is another one trying to escape.



First glimpse of the Vixen SD81S




Must remember to store that bag away somewhere in case some babies come around and choke on it....




So first real look and I have to say the quality of the fit and finish to the tubes paintwork is top drawer. The dovetail, rings and handle feel really solid and dependable and those rings are lined.

The finderscope feels like a good quality unit and no issues with aligning it a bit later on. I have never used a flip mirror before so not sure on this yet, I will give it a chance. I have a few dielectric diagonals that can be pressed into service if required.I`m not sure about the focusser end clamp it is just 2 set screws. It seems to hold everything in place but I have a nagging doubt about it. I think there is a compression ring that can replace it so may need to look into this.

The focusser is single speed R&P on these newer models with one adjustable screw on top. It feels nice and smooth and no noise or grinding, but I guess it needs to be tested in anger and I am wondering if I will miss the fine tuning like my Equinox 80 has.  I have seen that a fine tuning control can be added for the cost of an internal organ.




So the plan is to marry the Vixen to the AYOII and the Report 112 and with the Argo in MODE IDENTIFY poke it around the skies and see how this Vixen performs.



The dovetail is nicely finished with plastic ends and the Vixen branding.




Optics are crystal clean and in this image you can see the spacers. I hope not to see them in first light.




I`m not sure if I can get out tonight, so hoping it is clear tomorrow as there is also a new dark site to test out. If it happens I will post up some non scientific results.

Clear skies!


Edited by JG777
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Very nice scope, looks great on that AYO.

I love my ED103s, so your SD81s should be as well put together as my scope, 
Is the tube oversized as with the 103?

That dovetail looks rather smart, improvement on the old ones.

Also note you have an Argo Navis now on your mount.

Enjoy using your new scope, I bet it will be wonderful.

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3 hours ago, Alan White said:

Very nice scope, looks great on that AYO.

I love my ED103s, so your SD81s should be as well put together as my scope, 
Is the tube oversized as with the 103?

That dovetail looks rather smart, improvement on the old ones.

Also note you have an Argo Navis now on your mount.

Enjoy using your new scope, I bet it will be wonderful.

Thanks Alan, not sure if the tube is oversize like the 103. Yes I mostly use the Argo Navis with the AYO , the Nexus with the Tecnosky. The Argo may be older tech but its very reliable and gets the job done, I prefer the input wheel which you can operate in Winter with gloves on. 

Really looking forward to first light with the Vixen.

3 hours ago, Trikeflyer said:

Looks fab. The vixen red really accentuates the mount red. Now you can really observe in style! Looking forward to hearing how you get on. 


Thank you Steve, yes they seem to compliment each other!

3 hours ago, heliumstar said:

Such a beautiful telescope. Thanks for posting. I always enjoy seeing a Vixen :)Enjoy it and clear skies!

👍Thank you. 

3 hours ago, dobbie said:

here's my vixen fix ..and a ayoll they seem to marry well 😀  cant wait for your first light report .


Fantastic set up, serious kit! First AYO I have seen with the handle as well. 

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Last night the new Vixen got first light. Took it to a new dark site our group are going to be using about 15 minutes out of town. It makes such a difference observing away from direct lights and this place is securely fenced and screened as well. Even need a keycard to open the security gate so its closed to the public and a very safe place. Anyway I quickly set up and before doing an alignment I saw Jupiter low down in the sky and decided to aim the scope there and fine tune the RDF in on Jupiter. I had 3 EPs with me as travelling light, the Baader zoom and dedicated barlow plus an ES24 68 and an ES16 68.

So the view of Jupiter was a bit scruffy as it was low down so although I could distinguish banding and colour it was not the best view I have had of this planet. I noted the 3 moons were pinpoint however but I cant vouch as yet for planetary performance. So with Jupiter disappearing behind the trees I did a quick alignment using Polaris and Arcturus, and to add a bit more accuracy synced on Vega. Then I stopped for beer and waited for the sky to get a bit darker. One issue with where I live are the aircraft in and out of LHR, more so the arrivals really especially if they are operating on westerlies like they were last night, all those nosewheel lights and retractable s are not good for the night vision, at least after 2300 it comes to a stop. Anyway first task was some star testing, Vega was first  and using the ES16 I racked the focusser in and out until I saw the circles. A good start with completely concentric perfect circles, I repeated this exercise on Arcturus and Polaris to ensure  it was consistent with excellent results. I didn't see any hint of CA either during this testing so it seems like a positive start. It did feel a bit strange having a focusser without fine tuning at first but the focusser is smooth and works well, depending on the angle of the scope I occasionally had to adjust the tension screw on the top. By the end of the night I was a bit more proficient and snapping things into focus. I think its just a case of getting used to it.

To get started properly I then popped the 16mm into the back of the flip diagonal and the 24mm onto the top and dialled in NGC 869 the double cluster.  As it came into focus I was met with a totally glorious sight, well this object always looks good but I probably spent a good 25 minutes on it through both EPs. Absolutely pinpoint stars practically right out to the edges I couldn't see any sign of anything amiss, it really did offer up an impressive view. I didn't really have a list of things for the evening so went for a few well know things. M13 easily discernible, but still a feint fuzzy in the not so dark sky, a few other globs M2 M3 and M92 all found with relative ease, and the the owl cluster really sharp and defined as well. M31 was also seen and there was pretty good definition at least before the moon came out. I`m not very knowledgeable about double stars but I saw on SS6 Alberio was in the sky so I dialed it up and turned the scope on it. Using the Baader and the 16mm the 2 stars were totally sharp and the blue and yellow colours of this object easily distinguished, quite a captivating sight. I need to learn more about doubles and start to view them a bit more. 

Well that was a fast 2 hours or so and with the moon rising up further I decided a few minutes here to finish up would be appropriate. Fantastic detail, very sharp and pleasing and just a very tiny sliver of CA, barely noticeable, had to really look and decide if it was even there, but maybe it might be if the moon was higher and brighter a better assessment could be made. That adventure is for another night.

So all in all, optically and mechanically the scope appears to be in very good order. The visual back with the set screw does not feel ideal I had to ensure this was tightened right up but nothing moved or got dislodged and I was often using the back EP to shift the scope around, a bad habit that will have to stop! I will probably convert to a diagonal. The flip box end tube covers are also not held in place by the set screws so it would be very easy to lose them. The RDF is very good, very easy to adjust especially if you need to do big adjustments, the larger lower screw facilitates this.  The end cap is a good fit and sturdy plastic and you can also remove the smaller cap built in to it. The handle is so very useful as well. A decent first go and I only had to wait a day from delivery. 

I think I will keep it!


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Glad all went well with its first light.
Sounds like a good first trawl and that the scope is a goodun.

The visual back on my ED103s was rapidly replaced with a Baader twist lock unit,
much snugger on the diagonal and no marring either.
I take it that your back has a non marking inner ring on it?

From SGL Classifieds, not my listing I hasten to add.


Edited by Alan White
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The back screws into the end of the the focus draw tube and there is 2 set screws for holding the diagonal in, it is not a compression type. I am not sure of the size but I think it is 60mm according to the advert.This  https://www.tringastro.co.uk/vixen-adapter-compression-ring-60mm-female-thread-to-508-push-fit-5683-p.asp I think is the compression replacement but Tring didn't reply to my enquiry to confirm, and FLO do not stock that part on their site.

The Baader looks interesting did you lose any inward focussing, do all your EPs still come to focus? 

Edited by JG777
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2 hours ago, JG777 said:


The back screws into the end of the the focus draw tube and there is 2 set screws for holding the diagonal in, it is not a compression type. I am not sure of the size but I think it is 60mm according to the advert.This  https://www.tringastro.co.uk/vixen-adapter-compression-ring-60mm-female-thread-to-508-push-fit-5683-p.asp I think is the compression replacement but Tring didn't reply to my enquiry to confirm, and FLO do not stock that part on their site.

The Baader looks interesting did you lose any inward focussing, do all your EPs still come to focus? 

Yes, about 10mm lost inward.
All my EP still worked except for a Vixen NLVW 30mm, needed about 1mm more inward travel, everything else still worked fine.
This is with a 2" William Optics diagonal.

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On 21/09/2019 at 11:15, Alan White said:

You will find it a solid bit of kit 

Dave f15 recommended them to me when I bought the 103s and I do not regret it

Thanks Alan, the adapter arrived today and Dave is a pleasure to deal with. You are right it is a very solid piece of kit. 

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