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ASCOM to Stellarium without Stellariumscope

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Hi, does anyone know how to connect Stellarium to ASCOM without Stellariumscope? Stellariumscope doesn’t seam to exist anymore and I’m wondering how to connect the two together. When I go to connect stellarium to the telescope using “other software” option, I just get connecting for a long time but never connects. Is it even possible anymore? I’ve seen videos of people doing using APT but I don’t want to pay for that really. 

Many help would be useful. 


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Thanks for the replies. I’ll check what version I’m using but it must be the most up to date as I only installed it about a month ago. 

Ill try the link later but I’m sure I tried last night and it didn’t work because Stellariumscope has been taken down... maybe not. I’ll check. 


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Sorry for the bump, but did anything ever happen with this?

I've just bought an eqdirect cable and installed ASCOM and EQMOD and want to start using Stellarium to control my telescope.

Do I have to download old versions of Stellarium and stellarium-scope to get this to work, or are there other methods available?

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