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Revolutions: The Telescope BBC Four


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I have to confess to being a little disappointed with this program, as others have said, too american, and not up to Jim A-K's normal standard. Was looking forward to it after the Rocket episode, but think I won't bother with the rest. A pity really.

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On 21/08/2019 at 07:11, lukebl said:

It was a excellent documentary, I thought.

What amazed me was the fact that it took a whole three hundred years after inventing lenses for spectacles before someone thought to put two lenses together and make a telescope.

I was shocked by this as well for both telescopes and microscopes, it took my 4 year old grandson who was playing with a couple of plastic lenses half an hour to ask "Granddad why is everything upside down when I hold them like this?" he had one close to his eye and the other at arms length. 

Another thing was that I remember reading about is that lenses (natural forms) have been around for 4000 years or more.



Edited by Alien 13
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This seems appropriate.

Curate's egg

A curate’s egg is something that is partly good and partly bad. A curate is a junior cleric. We are fortunate to know the exact origin of the term curate’s egg. It can be traced back to a cartoon published in Punch magazine issue November 9, 1895, drawn by George du Maurier. In the cartoon, a nervous curate is eating an egg at the bishop’s table. The bishop expresses concern that the curate has received a bad egg. The curate doesn’t wish to trouble or offend the bishop so he replies, “Oh, no, my Lord, I assure you that parts of it are excellent!” Obviously, an egg is either fresh or rotten, an egg cannot be partitioned into fresh parts and rotten parts. Originally, the term  a curate’s egg referred to something that is actually bad but declared good. Today, the meaning has changed to describe something partly good and partly bad, something that is not quite 

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