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NGC 7822


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First successful multi-night session, with narrowband, and my new (to me) 120ED.

Work in progress, trying to decide whether to get more Ha or start adding some OIII or SII.

Spent much of the time on both nights swearing like a trooper, reasons include:

1. Getting the EAF to actually work - easy in the end but not in the dark.

2. Polar alignment through ekos with the 120mm field of view is a pain. Next time might take the guide cam out of the OAG and put it in the finder just to polar align 

3. After plate solving to the target, didnt realise that spending an hour twiddling with EAF might mean the target has moved a bit....

4. After getting it all going and retiring indoors, notice the guiding is going crazy & star trails everywhere... go outside to find the cat using the tripod accessories tray to sit on and play with cables..

Anyway, it's all part of the fun.. here's what I got, best 4hr39min from about 5hr30min of lights.

120ED-DSPro, x0.85 FR, Baader 7nm Ha Filter

NGC 7822

Edited by -Joe_
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Very nice! You should definitely add Oiii and Sii. 

3 hours ago, -Joe_ said:

2. Polar alignment through ekos with the 120mm field of view is a pain. Next time might take the guide cam out of the OAG and put it in the finder just to polar align 

That's what I did. If you have a spare camera, you can attach it to the finder scope (as you would a finder guider) and use that for PA. Afterwards you can remove it again. When I did this, I made a separate profile in Ekos for polar alignment. It's easier than having to change focal length settings every time. After PA you just switch back to your imaging profile.

Nowadays my imaging fov is 40' x 30', just enough for the PA routine to work, so I don't have to use this workaround any more. 

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On 02/08/2019 at 19:43, -Joe_ said:

First successful multi-night session, with narrowband, and my new (to me) 120ED.

Looks good.

What exposure lengths and gain are you using and what's your sky Bortle? 

Just interested as I'm still trying to decide what's best for me.



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On 02/08/2019 at 18:43, -Joe_ said:

4. After getting it all going and retiring indoors, notice the guiding is going crazy & star trails everywhere... go outside to find the cat using the tripod accessories tray to sit on and play with cables..


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30 minutes ago, Starwiz said:

Looks good.

What exposure lengths and gain are you using and what's your sky Bortle? 

Just interested as I'm still trying to decide what's best for me.



Clear Outside says Bortle 4.

using 180s at 200 gain and 54 offset. Still experimenting to find where I want to be though.

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2 minutes ago, -Joe_ said:

Clear Outside says Bortle 4.

using 180s at 200 gain and 54 offset. Still experimenting to find where I want to be though.

Thanks, that's useful.

I also used 180s @ 200 gain a couple of nights ago.  I haven't touched the offset, so it's on whatever the default is.

I tried 300s @ 200 gain last night for Ha, OIII and SII, so just waiting for the darks run to finish before I have a look what I've got.

I'm in a Bortle 5.


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3 minutes ago, Starwiz said:

Thanks, that's useful.

I also used 180s @ 200 gain a couple of nights ago.  I haven't touched the offset, so it's on whatever the default is.

I tried 300s @ 200 gain last night for Ha, OIII and SII, so just waiting for the darks run to finish before I have a look what I've got.

I'm in a Bortle 5.


I’d definitely trade you a bortle or two for a few of your clear nights ;o)

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Excellent, Yes get some Oiii and Sii.


4. After getting it all going and retiring indoors, notice the guiding is going crazy & star trails everywhere... go outside to find the cat using the tripod accessories tray to sit on and play with cables..

Sorry, but I had to laugh.


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3 hours ago, -Joe_ said:

Long clear nights too - almost seven hours of astro-darkness at this time of year. 😎

Lucky you !!!  Astro darkness returns here in a weeks time and of course coincides with a full moon and lots of cloud !!!!



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3 hours ago, -Joe_ said:

I'm very jealous... enjoy it!


7 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

Lucky you !!!  Astro darkness returns here in a weeks time and of course coincides with a full moon and lots of cloud !!!!

Sorry, didn't mean to 'rub it in,' so to speak.

Back in the UK, I used to enjoy summer astro-imaging more than the winter even though the results were better in the winter, but out here is the best of both worlds, so I can sit outside in a t-shirt and play with the kit, and have a cold beer to keep me chilled.


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1 hour ago, Starwiz said:

I can sit outside in a t-shirt and play with the kit, and have a cold beer to keep me chilled.

NOOOOOO !!!!!!  You are just making it worse !!!!!!!!  No winter lined pants, goose down parka, boots, balaclava ???? Where's the fun in that ???  😆

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14 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

NOOOOOO !!!!!!  You are just making it worse !!!!!!!!  No winter lined pants, goose down parka, boots, balaclava ???? Where's the fun in that ???  😆

Been there, done the apprenticeship.  OK, maybe I did enjoy the winter too, although maybe not as cold as the western highlands!

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13 hours ago, Starwiz said:


Sorry, didn't mean to 'rub it in,' so to speak.

Back in the UK, I used to enjoy summer astro-imaging more than the winter even though the results were better in the winter, but out here is the best of both worlds, so I can sit outside in a t-shirt and play with the kit, and have a cold beer to keep me chilled.


And that isn’t rubbing it in? 🐵

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