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M82 - Cigar Galaxy (2nd ever attempt at imaging)


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Hi all,

This is my second ever attempt at imaging, so i'mpretty plreased with the results so far :):D

Image was taken with a Skywatcher 200P 8" Netwtonian @F5 on a Heq5 pro using a Starlight Xpress MX916 guided with Star 2000 using MaximDL

The subs were as follows : L (10x150 secs), RGB (5x150 secs)

The image was then processed in photoshop.


(click to enlarge)



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Hi Ron,

Yeah they seem a long way off, still never got round to sorting polealignmax though. doing a normal polar align seem to be good enough for the moment, but i do want look at it in the future to improve the initial pointing accuracy.

trouble now is having to stop myself spending a fortune on a new ccd until i can actually afford one :)

I do think i'll buy the atik electric USB filterwheel as that will make things a lot eaiser than my manual one.

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Yes i'm happy with the results, so its a good start, and i'm looking forward to seeing what my ccd can do.

I'm working on M81 at the moment and i'm very excited about that as it's looking very promising indeed from just the Luminance i've taken so far.

The Mx916 is a low res cam, but it's high sensativity due to it's large pixel Size more than makes up for it.

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Hi Ron,

Yeah they seem a long way off, still never got round to sorting polealignmax though. doing a normal polar align seem to be good enough for the moment, but i do want look at it in the future to improve the initial pointing accuracy.

trouble now is having to stop myself spending a fortune on a new ccd until i can actually afford one :)

I do think i'll buy the atik electric USB filterwheel as that will make things a lot eaiser than my manual one.

Yes, the Atik USB Wheel will make the job a lot easier. I bought the electric wheel initially, then bought the USB controller which is a significant help. The biggest plus is it is reasonably cheap. I know the desire to buy is strong, but try to hold out till you have exhausted the capability of the MX916. At least it will hone your skills ready for the time you do go upmarket. I look forward to your M82 Image. I wonder how the 916 will cope with Narrowband Imaging.?


Ron. :D

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Hello Rich.

There is really interesting Ha data in M82, but you'd need much longer exposures to capture it....10 minutes per sub at least.

I would stick with LRGB imaging for a bit, get your guiding good over long runs, and then go for an Ha filter.



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