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One small step for man... one tasty bite for you and me


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Busy printing 'First step' and making a silicone negative of that printed part.
Printed 'First step' using 0.1mm layers. Still, the layers are visible. Smoothing the layers with white glue now.
The idea is to use that silicone mould to fill it up with chocolate and sell it during open door at our local observatory.
That piece of chocolate is 100x100mm or 150x150mm.

The printing and smoothing stuff is done by me, our chef Bjorn is doing the chocolate part. He's a master in these things.

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Yep, I could do that, but for that to do I need another nozzle. In fact the printer need a major overhaul. Instead of PLA(or whatever) you need to push chocolate through that nozzle. 
Printing chocolate you also need a 100% sterile environment. All parts should be made in SS. Otherwise it would not pass food-inspection.
And it would be a slow process too printing chocolate, not to mention details would not be very good at all.

The best way to deal with this is making a silicone mould as mentioned higher up.

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Making a a few extra silicone moulds to speed up production of Neils chocolate footstep.
And maybe I'll organize also something for the children during open door mid sept. Interested kids could fill up a similar 'first step'mould with fast drying cement(or resin), to take it home. Don't know yet.



double sided adhesive tape to hold 'first step' down. Preventing it from floating while the silicone cures. Infill is only 10% so full of air.





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Well, as a matter of fact, Bjorn our chef, is busy making a big chocolate SaturnV rocket, a very BIG one..!!

When he's done, I'll post a picture, just to tease you all....🤭

And what's more I'm the one going to join the party, eating it...😁

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Busy filing the moulds with concrete. Not really concrete of course, its a mix of fast drying cement mixed with sand and water. I also added some thin steel wiring to reinforce the 'First step'.


Needed to find out what the correct mix should be and as always the first came out very bad. Big holes...


And the text broke of while de-moulding concrete 'First step'. So I cut the text out of the mould. For concrete version this text is way to small.


Still some very small air gaps, but I think these are impacts from micro-meteorites after that step has been set...




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished printing live size(almost) 'first step'. 300x200mm. Print time 39 hours. When it was about half way printing there was a glitch. Printhead shifted a few millimetres sideways...DAM...!
Something went wrong during slicing imo.
I printed lots of Bino parts, Marc's Gregorian telescope parts, four 2 meter high SaturnV rockets + some other smaller projects for my wife. NEVER had any problem at all during printing, all my prints were perfect and now during that long print I got this glitch...DAM again..!!(sorry guys).


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