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Crater Cichus

Mike JW

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12th July gave me a chance to do another lunar sketch. I got going 45 minutes before sunset to get the basic outline in place to then gradually define the shadow areas. As the moon brightened with the setting sun I was able to firm up finer details.

I wanted to sketch something not normally viewed when I spotted crater Cichus. At the time I did not know its name but what appealed was it sits on higher ground and has a crater on its Western Wall. The more I looked the more I became fascinated by the area. Its western walls appear terraced and gentler than the Eastern side. Cichus C is the crater on the western wall. What an impressive impact that must have been as the asteroid slammed into the top of the wall.

As I sketched I realised that to the north lies a crater that has been lava filled – this is Weiss. This leads to the question which came first Cichus or Weiss. The junction between Cichus and Weiss has a very straight section and judging by the lighting is quite steep – what caused this? This straight section forms the northern edge of highland running off to the north west. As the sky darkened it revealed crater-lets on these highlands. On the opposite side to Weiss is another larva filled crater – or is it? As I was finishing off the initial notes and outlines at the eyepiece, now 9.45pm I suddenly became aware of some straight regions of lighter material. Careful inspection revealed two almost parallel lighter bands so I followed them across the lunar surface and of course there was Tycho: well known for its lunar rays. A fascinating and absorbing 1+ hour at the eyepiece. So much going on in this area.

Who says lunar observing is boring? It is what you make of it. Sketching certainly adds to the enjoyment.


Completing the sketch probably took another 2hrs – graphite pencil, carbon pencil for the shadows, black felt/ink for the small shadow areas and white gel pen for the high points of craters and peaks.



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Excellent work Mike and great descriptions. (I keep getting clouded out where I am. Lovely clear skies during the day and then the clouds roll in for the nights and evenings!).

Well done for getting out and making the most of some clear skies! Thanks for posting.

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10 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

Another excellent sketch!

With all the fine detail visible, what is the actual size of your sketch?


Hi, The sketch is approx 14cm wide and 12cm high.  Mike

Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

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