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Why white light solar is never boring


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3 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Is there any way to us my 150 Mak for white light? maybe a wedge combined with a film on the front? i understand that 6" is too big to aim directly without some kind of front filter, it would definately heat up quite a bit and destroy the mirror.

Baader Solar film would be the way to go - no need for a wedge as well (it's either or but a wedge won't work with a Mak, as you say, it needs a front filter not because of it's aperture but because of how concentrated the light (& therefore heat) is when it reflects back off the primary and hits the secondary silver spot.

Make sure it's secure (especially if you make your own filter rather than buying a ready made one).

You can also improve the visibility of surface features with a Solar Continuum filter.

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10 minutes ago, haitch said:

Baader Solar film would be the way to go - no need for a wedge as well (it's either or but a wedge won't work with a Mak, as you say, it needs a front filter not because of it's aperture but because of how concentrated the light (& therefore heat) is when it reflects back off the primary and hits the secondary silver spot.

Make sure it's secure (especially if you make your own filter rather than buying a ready made one).

You can also improve the visibility of surface features with a Solar Continuum filter.

Well thank you sir! you will now be responsible for my opening my wallet yet again! i have to stop asking questions.

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14 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Here’s a filter I made for a 150 mak a few years ago.  Made the cell from 1/64” birch ply cut into 50mm wide strips and laminated together with a thicker ply bit to hold the film.


Is there one film to rule them all? one which is superior to all others for some reason? i hear Baader makes a good film no? and would a glass filter be more desirable? thousand oaks for example.

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52 minutes ago, John said:

It simply delivers each and every time I use it and usually surpasses my expectations on whatever target it's aimed at.

Yep, that pretty much sums up how I feel about mine too 😀👍

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Don’t like cheap glass filters like the Thousand Oaks as at that price they aren’t optically flat glass. Much prefer the Baader film. There are two versions of the Baader film. The 5.0 for visual and the 3.8 for photographic. If buying a commercialy made filter it will come with the visual film.

Zeiss used to make some wonderful glass solar filters but very hard to find nowadays. You would be looking at over $1,000.00 for one to fit a 150 mak if you could find one that is.

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I have used an Orion (USA) glass filter, Thousand Oaks glass filter and an Astrozap Baader filter and the best result, IMHO, was the Astrozap.

You can check with FLO and I think they will post to Canada.

Finally I agree with Stu's opening thread that white light solar observing is never boring. I have to admit that the best view of the solar surface (white light) was with a 4" Astro Tech ED Frac + Lunt Herschel wedge + Baader Continuum filter and Binoviewers

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I had a go yesterday afternoon. I saw mottling and maybe faint signs of faculae remnants (or possibly they were floaters!).

I tried a 127mm Maksutov plus solar film and got nothing except maybe mottling with an orange filter at the lowest magnification possible (79x). A solar continuum filter dimmed the view too much.

I did better with the ST120 - a combination of lower magnifications and using wedge rather than film. The ability to turn the brightness back up when using filters is a big plus for the wedge.

The main difficulty was heat haze.

I agree with the comments about how critical focus is. It's also easy for the eye to wander off focus when fishing around without something clear to lock on to.

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