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Test Images on my New Scope


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Ive just spent a couple of hours breaking in my new William Optics Flt98 :)

Both are popular targets and are a stack of 15 x 5 min subs taken on my Sxvf 9 with a Baader 7nm Ha filter.Stacked in Maxim and a slight adjustment in curves and levels in Cs2

Firstly the Bubble Nebula


(click to enlarge)

And secondly the Flame Neb


(click to enlarge)

Cant complain as the Clud Gods see to be busy elsewhere :D

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Here you go Steve, as Billy says, may not be completely accurate but gives you a pretty good idea. As these pics show that is a great set up you've got there. The scope and camera really are a perfect match. You shouldn't have any field curvature problems so I wouldn't bother with the field flattener.


(click to enlarge)

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HI Martin - did you convert the Jpegs - if you did it look like the results are pretty good - sayign that the wasnt much jpeg noise in Kais images anyway...

How flat do you really need to go...? My M72 FF III setup is about 13% at the corners but no easy way of adjustignthe spacing.....


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Here you go Steve, as Billy says, may not be completely accurate but gives you a pretty good idea. As these pics show that is a great set up you've got there. The scope and camera really are a perfect match. You shouldn't have any field curvature problems so I wouldn't bother with the field flattener.


(click to enlarge)

Cheers Martin , another excuse out the window :)

Next test is to try the 6.3 reducer on the setup.

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