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Like nothing we have seen before


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Hi folks.

I am sorry if this post is not suitable for this forum; I have searched the Internet for somewhere that may be able to help me with this.

I am in a remote part of North West France and last night the sky was very clear. At around 12:30am my brother and I saw what looked like a very long, dull beam of light travelling from South West to North East.

The beam was observed for approximately two minutes until it disappeared out of view.

The luminance did not diminish at any point.

What made this even more strange (and not at all like anything associated with an aeroplane) was that within the beam of light were what looked like many twinkling points of light. I liken this to a beam of light capturing dust in the air.

There seemed to be three 'leading' points of light that did not twinkle, set apart from each other.

There were no streaks of light as seen with meteor showers, and the brightness was consistent. All of the points of light, including the 'leading' points of light looked the same size at the stars.

No lights were flashing and there was no noise.

It certainly looked like some kind of space-related event. If so, the length of the beam must have been vast.

Does anybody have any ideas as to what this could have been?

Many thanks.

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My friend Nick and I were lucky enough to see this too. It looked like a sparkling vapour trail from an aircraft. - I actually said to my friend at the time, that it looked like a long train in the sky, and I now see that's what other people are referring to it as. Nick managed to get a photo of it on his phone. I wish I had known what it was at the time!

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On 26/05/2019 at 11:43, Grae said:

Thank you  so much, Peter. Amazing. Yes, it looked like this:


although dimmer, as we were observing with the naked eye.

Very spectacular. 

Best regards,


Just putting it out there....this is the source. Just to give direct credit to person who filmed this....


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1 hour ago, Hallingskies said:

You have witnessed the beginning of the end of dark skies anywhere on Earth.  And all for the Great God of the Internet....

I do hope it's not going to be that bad. I was reading the other thread on here about the space X satellites where everyone was expressing concerns for the effect on astro photography. It does seem ridiculous that this can happen without any debate before hand. Not that our voices would make any difference, but I obviously hope we won't notice any difference. Fingers crossed. I wonder how NASA or the ESA feel about all these extra satellites?? Must be another worry trying to launch rockets through them. I suppose they can all be tracked but what a mine field. 

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