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Unexpected clear and transparent night

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Following the rain during the day the sky was very transparent after 9pm. The main stars of Ursa Minor were very easy to see so I set up the 12" Dob to hunt down a particular PN in Auriga.

A colleague from my Astro Society mentioned IC2149 and I did attempt to view it with my 6" and Heritage 130P but I really could not be sure it was the PN. So with the 12" Dob I used my new 10mm Celestron Duo + 1.6X (mag 243) then the 2.25X Baader barlow (mag 342). I also found out before last night that IC2149 was an object in the Secret Deep book so more reason to hunt it down. Well good seeing + good transparency made the PN stand out. 

Feeling the sky was being helpful I ventured over to the Medusa Nebula and using the 30mm (70 degree) + 2" Castell O-III I was able to make out a glimmer of the Nebula. I think if I was not so sure of its location I would have missed it.

Following the success of these 2 objects I went touring to some of my favourites - M1, M38, M36, M37, M35+NGC2158, NGC2903, (NGC 3193, 3190, 3185 all together between Adhafera and Algieba), M95, M96, M105 + NGC3384, NGC 3115 (Spindle), NGC3242 (Ghost of Jupiter), M65, M66, NGC3628 (triplet), M53, M3, M51, M63, NGC4490 + NGC 4485.

Clouds started coming over so I ended with M81 and M82. The view of M82 with the 9mm Myriad (169x) was one of the best views I have had of this galaxy.

Finally one comment about the 10mm Celestron Ultima DUO EP which I obtained from FLO (£59) a few weeks ago. This EP when it was launched was over £100 and still is this price at some retailers. I simply cannot fault it - I had stars sharp to the edge and it worked great with my barlows especially viewing M53 and M3. If I did not have the 16mm ES68 I would purchase the Celestrom DUO 17mm.

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Good session Mark, I have just been looking up IC2149. Interesting not one I'd considered before, as you say requires high power. Located N/W of Menkalinan, so might be OK to drift across to locate with a high power eyepiece. I understand delving a bit more that the central star is possible to and profiles a double lobe aspect. Congrats for that and also for the Medusa Nebula, it is considerably faint, a large planetary nebula of low surface brightness, but assured once, as you indicate are in the right spot.

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Nice report Mark, I was looking at and taking shots of a good few of those last week, now we have cloud thanks to a purchase from FLO. The other night we had a brief shower but mainly clear sky and Sirius was absolutely still, the first time I have ever seen this in the evening, it was an easy split with the 18 inch.


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