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hubble in trouble


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According to a news clip on the December S&N disc Hubble has had a major malfunction and is now just drifting helpless in space with Nasa unable to do a thing about it. NASA'S original scheduled space shuttle Mission to carry out repairs has had to be put on hold according to the news Broadcast It was going to be the most complex mission ever undertaken I seriously hope they can sort this out hubble has given us such great service over its life would be a huge shame for it all to end like this . Also did anybody see The actual S&N programme our bernie ( supernova ) puts in an appearance with his pumpkin cannon in Sir P's back garden

regards Pete

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I hope they do manage to sort out hubble. It has blessed us with some fabulous images. I haven't seen the S&N programme yet, but Bernie's pumpkin cannon sounds like something worth looking out for. I can't begin to imagine how it features!

Peace and Clear Skies,


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Crikey that doesn't sound very good! I hope they fly the repair mission and get Hubble fixed. Given how long it's now been up there and the dangerous and unforgiven environment of space I suppose we've had a pretty good run.


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oh that's good to hear I couldn't really see them letting Hubble drift aimlessly in space for too long its one of NASA's prime resources. Have they also re scheduled the shuttle mission ?. I guess the out of date news has in this case got more to do with print deadlines and non re callable CD cover disc's regards Pete

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The hubble is *RIGHT* on the limit that the shuttle can reach. It uses twice as much fuel to get to hubble versus getting to the ISS. If anything goes wrong, they have no way of getting back, and they cant use the ISS as a lifeboat, hence the requirement for a second shuttle on "hot standby" when the hubble repair mission goes up.

You think this is bad... what about all the future space telescopes going out to L1/L2 locations.... if they fail, they are instant junk. No way to reach them at all.

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maybe that's the answer guys maybe NASA needs to build a tractor shuttle that it can keep and refuel up on the ISS then they could tootle off to which ever piece of equipment they needed to repair and just tow it back an Astronomical version of the AA or RAC Relay I bet the pilot would be ... A very Nice man a very very nice man LOL I'm sure BP or Shell would take up and sell the franchise for the refueling station could even set up a McDonald's and a mini mart to sell anti freeze and screen wash and while I'm at it ill just check your tyre pressure guys lol

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