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Sol 13-2-209 Ha Big prom


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Well done Steve, Sun didn't appear here until too late and the cloud never really went away.

Watched BBC weather just now and they're still saying sunny skies are coming so fingers crossed.

Just been chasing supernovas through the cloud but given up now.


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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Well done Steve, Sun didn't appear here until too late and the cloud never really went away.

Watched BBC weather just now and they're still saying sunny skies are coming so fingers crossed.

Just been chasing supernovas through the cloud but given up now.


Thanks Dave.

it was a battle today, the cloud did not clear properly until dark and then the seeing was not great.

We have also got a good forecast for tomorrow.

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5 hours ago, David Smith said:

Great shot Steve. Forecast says clear here later, fingers crossed.

Same here Dave .

Washing line nebula is a problem at the moment .

4 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

great shots Steve, its sunny here thismorrning, i hope its still there. well done. charl.

Thanks Charl

sol out here not sure about whats on view yet.

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