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Comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto)

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Comet C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto photographed on January 18, 2019 in a image one square degree, shows here a greenish coma of 8' angular size and a small tail 5' long. The comet have here a brightness near magnitude 9.5 and could be seen through binoculars on next February month.


Telescope Planewave 20" CDK f/4.4.
Camera FLI-PL09000.
9 min. total exposure.
Remotely from Siding Spring, NSW (Australia).


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  • 4 weeks later...

Comet C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto on February 10th 2019 , three days after its perihelion and three days before ist maximum approaching to Earth. Its ionic tail is faintly visible toward West (to right) in this image, at same time is possible to see a dust tail toeard Southeast (to down-left) only during these days in which our planet cross the orbital plane of comet. The Iwamoto also reached those days its maximum brightness with a magnitude near 6.5 and a coma with angular size of 20'. The brightest star into field is Chi Leonis with magnitude 4.6.


Telescope GSO 8" N f/3.8.
Camera Atik 383L+.
68 min. total exposure.
From Vallés, Valencia (Spain).
Totally myself ;)


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6 hours ago, PepeChambo said:

Comet C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto on February 10th 2019 , three days after its perihelion and three days before ist maximum approaching to Earth. Its ionic tail is faintly visible toward West (to right) in this image, at same time is possible to see a dust tail toeard Southeast (to down-left) only during these days in which our planet cross the orbital plane of comet. The Iwamoto also reached those days its maximum brightness with a magnitude near 6.5 and a coma with angular size of 20'. The brightest star into field is Chi Leonis with magnitude 4.6.


Telescope GSO 8" N f/3.8.
Camera Atik 383L+.
68 min. total exposure.
From Vallés, Valencia (Spain).
Totally myself ;)


A lovely image Jose, very nice.

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  • 1 month later...

More images about comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto):
Comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) photographed on February 26th 2019. Since my previous image two weeks before when was at its maximum with magnitude 6, comet brightness has dropped until magnitude 7.5, decreasing at same time its coma angular size from 20 to 12 arcminutes. Tail also has faded quite, very faint and with only 10 arcminutes lenght toward East (to left).


Telescope GSO 8" N f/3.8. Camera Atik 383L+. 167 min. total exposure. From Vallés, Valencia (Spain).




Going away from inner Solar System the comet C/1018 Y1 (Iwamoto) has in this image taken on March 2nd 2019 a brightness of magnitude 8.5 and a coma angular size of 12 arcminutes with a intense turquoise color, contrasting with this zone plenty of red emission clouds into Auriga constellation, in which highlights in upper part of image the Flaming Star Nebula (Sharpless 230) and in down part the Tadpoles Nebula (Sharpless 236).


Telescope Takahashi FSQ-106ED f/5.0. Camera SBIG STL-11000M. 21 min. total exposure. From Mayhill, New Mexico (USA).




Comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) on March 10th 2019, losing brightness until magnitude 8.5, shows a greenish coma with some 7 arcminutes of angular size and gradual condensation. Still has a short trace of tail.


Telescope GSO 8" N f/3.8. Camera Atik 383L+. 27 min. total exposure. From Vallés, Valencia (Spain).


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