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Friday night lunar


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Had another go with the Praktica Dcz. Couple of handheld afocals down the Tal1 and a few hh af quickies with the 3 meg phone. There were lumps of cloud about and some whisps drifting in and out of the way so I didn't stay out long. Had too much fun to stop short of over processing so the results are a bit odd looking. Here's one from each @ mag x54;

Praktica Dcz7


Samsung E590


Nice to get a lil' peep at the moon and a play with the gear.

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Yes brillinat shots, shows what can be achieve afocal with a digital camera. The most pleasing views I have achieved of the lunar disk so far have been afocal through my TAL 150P - is it the TAL or the camera that gives these excellent results? I suspect the TAL has a large part to play!


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